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Jack Jennings: Have We Gotten It Wrong on School Reform? Benchmarking is popular in business. After studying the performance of the top companies in a particular arena, other companies emulate the leaders' best practices seeking the same level of success. This method has made its way into education. For example, the new common state standards for reading and mathematics were written after study of the academic standards of the world's top-achieving countries. These new American standards will be nearly universal in the United States because 45 states and the District of Columbia have adopted them. Surpassing Shanghai: An Agenda for American Education Built on the World's Leading Systems by Marc S. Tucker and colleagues takes benchmarking one step further. The systems of schooling in Shanghai (China) Finland, Japan, Singapore, and Ontario (Canada) are analyzed, since students in those countries or provinces consistently outperform American students on international tests of academic performance. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Review of New Fordham Digital Learning Papers. Teachers in the Age of Digital Instruction and School Finance in the Digital-Learning Era, two new working papers in the Fordham Institute’s series on digital learning, are welcome additions to the often narrow debates around online learning. “Teachers,” written by Public Impact’s Bryan and Emily Hassel, opens with an important and refreshing perspective: “that digital education needs excellent teachers and that the teaching profession needs digital education.” Rather than replacing teachers, the authors see digital learning as transforming teaching — both by offering tools for traditional classroom teachers and by enabling entirely new ways of teaching.

Often missing from conversations around technology, the paper outlines the varied roles that teachers play, including helping with motivation, social and emotional support, and stretching critical thinking and analytical skills. The problem boils down to this: Our system doesn’t fund schools, and certainly doesn’t fund students. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning. Dr. Lalita Rajasingham [] Associate Professor, Communications Studies School of Information Management Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand [ Abstract This paper explores some new challenges facing universities in a global multimediated Internet-based environment, as they seek alternative paradigms and options to remain true to their core business.

At a time of rapid technological change, and contested, complex concepts associated with globalisation, knowledge is becoming a primary factor of production in a global economy. Keywords: global curricula and local learning; teaching/learning/knowledge; the Internet; artificial intelligence (AI) systems List of topics Introduction The core functions of universities are the storage, processing, dissemination and application of knowledge to address the great issues of our time. Higher education: past discourse Higher education: current discourse Higher education: future discourse.

How Not to Get Lost in the Ocean of Information - How Not to Get Lost in the Ocean of Information Stockholm (S), November 2011 - Ken Larsson’s topic at OEB is called "The Challange for Supervision: Mass Individualisation of the Thesis Writing Process with Less Resources". He will present a critical view of students’ motivation and the current situation of the approaches to the process of getting a theses done. Could you please describe the conditions under which students write graduation theses today?

How have things changed over the years? Ken Larsson: As the number of students has increased over the years, their average knowledge and skills level has also changed. If you apply for higher education based on an attraction to the program of studies per se, you are probably more in tune with the academic way of thinking and working, and thus more prepared for the thesis work. Why do you say that today’s students have to get by with fewer resources? We regard the thesis work in similar terms as we view the distance learner. 10 Principles of Successful E-Learning | OEB Newsportal. In 2005, Professors Anderson and McCormick wrote A Common Framework for E-learning Quality and Ten Pedagogic Principles of E-Learning, describing an approach to the development of effective e-learning programs. According to Professors Anderson and McCormick, the Ten Principles may help designers to construct pedagogically sound e-learning materials and related activities.

The principles may also help teachers to choose resources; design teaching and learning activities based on those resources; and support such activities while they take place. Explore the Ten Pedagogic Principles of E-Learning as defined by Anderson and McCormick and see how they are applied through the itslearning platform. Anderson and McCormick state that there is an implicit assumption in their approach that the more of the ten principles are embodied, the better the quality of the pedagogy; and the fewer embodied principles, the lower the quality. The pedagogy should engage and motivate learners. Innovation and Quality in e-Learning:a European Perspective.

Is our Education System in Crisis? October 18, 2011 by jennymackness Tony Bates – gave us an interesting presentation on Sunday evening – Managing Technology to Transform Teaching – – which many of us who work in HE as teachers or as managers of technology could relate to. Tony asked us a lot of questions and provided us with access to his recent book, where even more questions are raised. But a key question in his presentation was: “Can universities or colleges change from within, or do we need new institutions for 21st century learning?”

Three of my ChangeMooc colleagues (see below) have responded to this on their blogs (and maybe others too that I haven’t yet become aware of) Matthias Melcher – Baxi – Morley – Sui Fai John Mak Jaap. Компетенции когнитивного образования. Кликабельно Более подробная и интерактивная карта (в формате SWF) Как и все области общественной деятельности, образование переживает сейчас переход от индустриальной модели к постиндустриальной, к информационному обществу. И, как и на всех участках этой глобальной трансформации, в образовании возникает ряд противоречивых процессов. Очевидно-необходимый частичный демонтаж индустриальной модели обучения для постройки модели информационной, воспринимается многими как откат к "тёмным векам", торжество упрощенчества. Можно заметить, что эмоциональная реакция людей, посвятивших свою жизнь образованию, абсолютно объяснима, но происходит как раз от непонимания того, каким должно быть новое образование.

Переход от индустриальной к новой знаниевой экономике требует новых компетенций от людей. Мировая экономика переживает в ближайшие 20-30 лет период неопределенности – заранее нельзя сказать какие инструментальные компетенции окажутся ключевыми. . - поиска и постановки задач; - анализа информации; Online learning schools offer learning virtually anywhere. By KIM KOMANDO, south Bend Tribune Every morning, more than 225,000 kids in 27 states roll out of bed and attend public K-12 schools simply by turning on their computers. No waiting for buses. No cliques or bullies. No anxiety about gym class or the cafeteria. The old image of “home schooling” has been dramatically changed, thanks to high-speed Internet access and the ever-expanding digital outreach of public schools.

Мобильный Интернет в России становится доступнее. Евгения Золотарева, маркетинг Google Россия Знали ли вы, что в России насчитывается 40 миллионов пользователей мобильного Интернета и их число продолжает расти? Увеличение продаж смартфонов влияет на этот процесс самым активным образом, ведь треть всех владельцев “умных” телефонов ежедневно подключаются с их помощью к сети. Кроме того, дешевеет и мобильный трафик: за последний год средняя стоимость 1Мб по России снизилась на 25% и составила 3 рубля. Все это и многое другое вы найдете в исследовании “Мобильный Интернет в России”, которое J’son & Partners Consulting провели по заказу Google.

В нем проанализирован рынок мобильных устройств, широта их проникновения, в том числе с разбивкой по регионам России и по операционным системам. Более того, показан портрет пользователей мобильной сети, изучены основные поводы использования и виды активности онлайн. Исследование Мобильный Интернет в России (PDF) Методология и пояснения (DOC) Присоединяйтесь к активновному мобильному сообществу! Мобильный_Интернет_в_России.pdf. Our View: Online learning and universities. By the Pasadena Star JUST as the University of California prepares to announce its first group of fully online courses for its undergraduates, the California State University announced this week that it, too, will begin to expand its computer-based options for its 412,000 students. It already offers degrees in 63 disciplines entirely online – most of them in master’s degree programs. For years now, especially early adopters have been calling what’s sometimes known as distance learning the future of education.

Now, with high-speed Internet access commonplace, with laptops and smart phones and iPads, with users more at ease with the kinds of video images we see on Skype, it’s not just early adopters who are comfortable with the idea. Как цифровой век влияет на мошенничество и плагиат. Решил сделать перевод одной статьи о плагиате в интернет (некоторые несущественные моменты убрал, например не понравилось отношение к Томасу Гоббсу) Хотя по смыслу статьи здесь речь идет не только о плагиате, но и о "списывании" у своих коллег по учебе. Просто авторы статьи немного все смешали. *****************************************************************************************************Сегодня ученики (студенты) просто не заботятся о академической честности. Многие студенты даже не могут различать, что является плагиатом, а что нет. Согласно недавним исследованиям, 71% не верит, что копирование из Интернета является "серьезным мошенничеством". Что станет с этого поколения мошенников?

Смотрите инфографику ниже. Некоторые данные из инфографики только 29% людей считают копирование из Интернета "серьезным мошенничеством" Студенты ВНЗ: 53% студентов не считают плагиат "большой проблемой". 98% студентов - давали списывать свои работы. The Role of Open Educational Resources in Personal Learning. The very first thing I want to do is to counter the disclaimer that frightened me as this session opened, it was very loud, and said all kinds of things about how this was all private and cannot be shared.

You can share this presentation all you want. This presentation is mine and if you want to share it with people, go ahead and share it. No problem at all. I should have probably put a Creative Commons license on it, although everything on my website is licensed under the Creative Commons license – attribution – non-commercial – share-alike license. So don’t feel inhibited from sharing this stuff. I do want to talk about the role of open educational resources in personal learning. The Idea of Openness Here’s the argument in one slide, and the argument from my perspective really is very simple. The second thing is, networks need to be open in order to function.

So, the argument for open educational resources is simply: networks need openness in order to function. The Open Standards. The Role of Educator in a Networked World. [All Presentations] The Role of Educator in a Networked World November 9, 2011 Seminar presentation delivered to for EC&I 831: Social Media & Open Education, Alec Couros, Online, via Elluminate. In this presentation I revisit the 'role of the educator' discussion I offered last year for the same course, offering a point of view stressing a new approach to learning, and drawing out the consequences of that in a series of new roles for educators, leading to the conclusion that the role of the educator itself will be unbundled in the world of online learning.

[Slides] [Audio] Educationpaper. МЕТОДОЛОГИЯ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ ДИСТАНЦИОННОЙ ФОРМЫ ОБУЧЕНИЯ. Полат Е.С. доктор пед. наук, профессор, Институт содержания и методов обучения РАО, Москва Начнем с того, что мы рассматриваем дистанционное обучение вопреки формулировке, данной в «Законе об образовании» не дистанционной технологией, а новой формой обучения, т.е. системой обучения. Что такое дистанционная технология, известно, видимо, только авторам этой поправки. Во всяком случае, в педагогическом аспекте этот термин ясности не вносит. Если это так, то встает, вполне естественно проблема определения эффективности дистанционной формы обучения. Прежде всего, попробуем определиться с понятием эффективности дистанционного обучения. Таким образом, мы выходим на понятие «качество обучения». Под качеством образования в педагогической энциклопедии понимается - создание демократической системы образования, гарантирующей необходимые условия для полноценного качественного образования на всех уровнях; Процесс обучения можно отнести к таким образовательным услугам. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Your Classroom Is Not an Airplane! I was flying back from a conference the other day, and I noticed something very bizarre. As I waited for the plane to take off, I saw that the panel above me looked different than usual. Upon further inspection, I realized that the No Smoking sign had been replaced with this instruction: "Turn off Electronic Devices.

" It made me smile because I could see that I was on a newer plane -- and because I know there are teachers all over the country that wish they could have this sign blinking in their room at all times. There are teachers out there that feel like their class will crash and burn if they allow students to use electronic devices in their room. That seems like a crazy exaggeration, but I have talked with more than a few teachers that want nothing to do with any form of technology in their classroom. Here are some suggestions for those that are willing to turn off the No Electronic Devices sign. 1) Start Small 2) Practice Makes Perfect Try the tool out for a while. 4) Reach Out. Learning Networks: e-Learning 3.0. How to teach young children in the digital age. Ректор НТУУ «КПІ» Михайло Згуровський: «Освітньою політикою в країні ніхто не займається» - Газета - Дзеркало тижня. Україна.