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Неделя 2. Инструменты для проектирования дистанционного курса

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Неделя 2. Инструменты для проектирования дистанционного курса. 874. Электронное образование в облаке - Дистанционное обучение, e-learning, СДО. Электронное образование в облаке Значение электронного образования для учебных заведений быстро возросло, успешному развитию способствовала «золотая клетка» виртуальной учебной среды. Между тем, многие студенты создают свои собственные учебные среды, комбинируя различные сервисы Web 2.0, которые они находят наиболее удобными. Облачные вычисления предлагают учебным заведениям новые возможности для предоставления динамичных и актуальных, основанных на интернет-технологиях приложений для электронного образования. Облачные вычисления обеспечивают высокий уровень обслуживания потребителей и соответствие электронного курса политике учебного заведения и государственным учебным стандартам.

Данная технология оказала влияние на архитектуру, предоставляемые сервисы и логистику внедрения учебных курсов. VLE-системы критикуют в основном за слабые возможности генерации и хранения создаваемого пользователями контента и низкий уровень интеграции с социальными сетями. Таблица 1. 750+ Free Online Courses, free college courses, online training courses, video lectures online, Video Tutorials, Online Education courses | Free Download. What do instructional designers and advertising gurus have in common? Four Universities Use Online Social Networks to Engage Learning Community. By Tanya Roscorla, Converge About two years ago, the chancellor at University of Wisconsin-Madison developed a campus initiative that needed student support. But social media connections with students were almost nonexistent. While the university had a Twitter account, it streamed nothing but news content. “At that point, we realized we needed to make more meaningful connections to folks,” said John Lucas, university relations specialist and institutional social media manager.

Lucas started managing the Twitter account and promoting the campus initiative, which succeeded. And once the university saw that success, the administration realized how instrumental social media could become on a number of different levels. Augmented Reality and Web 3.0. During my recent spate of workshops, training and conference presentations, one of the most common questions I have been asked is: “What will Web 3.0 be like?” I guess it had to come. Almost as soon as people started describing various sites as Web 2.0 others started speculating about Web 3.0 and what it would be.

Augmented Reality What is Web 2.0? To put this discussion into context, the term ‘Web 2.0’ came about to describe a change in web that begun a few years back. In the user generated model, companies produced web services which enabled anyone who signed up for the service to produce and share their own content. The other key change that blossomed with web 2.0 was the huge growth in social networking. So the fundamental change that came about was a kind of ‘democratization of the web’.

What about Web 3.0? So, that’s a very brief description of the shift to Web 2.0, but what about Web 3.0? I’ve heard quite a few people speculating about Web 3.0. Web 3.0 and Augmented Reality. Slides from my #iMoot “Many Faces of Moodle” presentation  Welcome to A resource site for all Moodle-related news, tutorials, video, course content information and original resources. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe: RSS feed| Weekly Email Newsletter | Moodle News Twitter Thanks for visiting!

Here are two resources from my presentation from this year’s iMoot: The first is a comparison chart for course formats (each of the 8 included in my presentation). I hope to add additional formats to the chart in the near future and as new formats are introduced: if you’re interested in clicking through my slides from the presentation check it out on Google Docs: If you’re interested in the presentation recording but don’t want to pay the registration fee you might have to wait awhile. Assess Your Curriculum and Courses Using Harden’s Taxonomy of Curriculum Integration « Learning & Computing Education: Reflections and Ideation. Author: Sanjay Goel, Problem: Roger Schank told a very interesting story [1] about the ineffectiveness of the so called broad based curriculum that includes inputs from multiple disciplines.

As per this story, a hypothetical country was badly overrun by dragons. The government formed a high power committee of multi-disciplinary experts (engineering, arts, biology, physics, chemistry, medical, law, business, defence, etc.) to create a solid master’s program on ‘dragon slaying.’ The experts worked ‘hard‘ to create a new curriculum and came with the following well balanced broad based 2 year curriclum: Sem I: Introduction to Dragonese, Basic Legal Concepts, Introduction to Photography, Introduction to Anatomy, Strength and Materials. Sem II: Introduction to Dragonese II, Civil Liberties and Animal Rights, Introduction to Drawing, The Anatomy of Dragons, Projectile Physics A Solution Approach: Harden’s Taxonomy of Curriculum Integration Subject based teaching 1. Talking about blended learning – part 4 – selecting media. On-Demand Learning and Performance #LCBQ. Last month we asked how you can address the "I want it now! " demand from stakeholders.

Jeff Goldman talked about the other stakeholder - the learner - who want their learning on-demand. The #LCBQ for May is: How do we need to change in what we do in order to address learning/performance needs that are on-demand? How to Respond: Option 1 - Simply put your thoughts in a comment below. Option 2 - Tweet your thoughts using the hastag: #LCBQ We will do our best to collect together tweets around the topic. Option 3 - Step 1 - Post in your blog (please link to this post). Step 2 - Put a comment in this blog with an HTML ready link that I can simply copy and paste (an HTML anchor tag). Tony Karrer - e-Learning 2.0 or you could also include your blog name with something like: Tony Karrer - e-Learning 2.0 : eLearningTechnology Posts so far (and read comments as well): Transforming Minds - Using Metaphors in eLearning. SynthesisUsing metaphors in eLearning makes learners more receptive to ideas and information that are otherwise complex to figure out.

These metaphors in presentation mode or self-contemplative mode make learners easily grasp needed knowledge and immediately adapt concepts thereby prompting a faster and better course of action.What do we mean when we say “my computer is down” or “molecules act like boiling water”? We are exercising the power of metaphors. From Newton’s clockwork theory to John Reeves’ Emoticons , metaphors have been used for purposes of communication for the longest time - whether it’s to communicate with each other, learn and even socialize in the new world of social media. So, what is a metaphor and how can we use them in eLearning programs? A metaphor is the use of an object or idea to represent certain meanings which are otherwise difficult to explain. Richard Feynman – Jiggling Atoms (Click here to preview Richard Feynman’s video) Usages of Metaphors in e-Learning 1.

Lektorium.TV - лекции ведущих лекторов России в свободном доступе. List of OER (Open Educational Resources) Websites | Online and Distance Learning. Online Education for Instructional Designers: Picking the Right Program by Lorna Collier. “There is no credible ranking for online … programs in instructional design, so you need to do your research to find the best program that fits your goals.” John O’Connor knew if he wanted to take his career in training and development to the next level he needed a degree. So he chose an online program at Boise State University [ earning a Master’s in Instructional and Performance Technology.

The degree not only gave him a credential and credibility in the field, but also taught him valuable lessons in instructional course design, says O’Connor, an instructional systems specialist with the U.S. Air Force. “One of the things I learned is that you can have all the bells and whistles in the world,” he says, “but if your course isn’t built on proven, effective technique based on good learning theory, it’s going to crash and burn.” With so many online programs available, how do you choose? Online grad certificates versus master’s programs Questions to ask yourself. Hashtag Best Practices - Develop Socially. Creating a Sense of Time in Online Courses. April 25, 2011 By: Todd Conaway in Online Education One of the most useful elements of online courses is that they’re available anytime. But along with the timelessness, there is also an absence of time in many activities and pieces of content in the course that can that can lead to feelings of disconnectedness.

How closely do we connect actual time to our students’ online experiences? While we all agree that the five-year-old unnarrated PowerPoint is a dangerous and ineffective piece of content in an online course, we would also all agree that we can’t redo each narrated piece of content each semester. How to Create “Time” in an Online Course One option is to create an updated introduction to the older material. A sense of time is created in discussion boards because they have only that week to complete the work and there is an understanding that the conversations happen in time. Keeping the Flowers Fresh Lastly, keep the flowers fresh. - бесплатная система электронных школьных журналов. Пару дней тому назад я сделал заметку Web-технологии педагогам для ежедневного использования, посвященную веб-инструментам, которые могли бы пригодиться в работе современного преподавателя.

Там, среди прочего, упоминался и веб-сервис Engrade - бесплатный онлайн журнал успеваемости, который сейчас довольно популярен среди американских учителей. Задолго до этого (прошло, кажется, уже год-два или более), я живо интересовался электронными журналами. Интерес к этой теме возник на волне бума публикаций о коммерческих предложениях по использованию электронных школьных журналов, который прокатился сначала по России, а затем и по Украине. Я встречал даже несколько вполне научных публикаций, посвященных проблеме практического внедрения школьных электронных журналов. К сожалению, сейчас эта, по-сути, неплохая идея, похоже совсем заглохла. Хотя, формально, электронные дневники еще продолжают работать в некоторых школах, где их поддерживают энтузиасты. Причин такого фиаско несколько. 7 Смертных грехов корпоративного тренера — Trainings.UA — портал об обучении и развитии персонала.

Предлагаем вашему вниманию перевод статьи Kimberley Hare ( основателя и управляющего директрора компании Kaizen Training Ltd. Перевел портал Заботы корпоративного тренера Тренинг прочно вошел в нашу жизнь. Без тренинга нельзя представить полноценной программы корпоративного обучения. Ушли те времена, когда тренер стоял около "оверхеда" (это проектор такой) и часами бубнил что-то, водя указкой по прозрачной пленке. Однако веселая, дружелюбная атмосфера вовсе не гарантирует эффекта научения. Начинение скучного курса энерджайзерами и другими веселыми упражнениями не спасает его – это называется «сделать маникюр мертвому телу». Использование знаний о закономерностях работы мозга наших подопечных помогает построить эффективный тренинг. Однако это требует обширных знаний и отточенных навыков от корпоративного тренера.

Смертный Грех 1 Смертный Грех 2 Смертный Грех 3 Тренеры отрицают важность эмоциональной составляющей обучения. Смертный Грех 4 Смертный Грех 5. Agile Learning Design: Periodic Table. Download it now: 10 things to do with a Moodle web-page  Welcome to A resource site for all Moodle-related news, tutorials, video, course content information and original resources. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe: RSS feed| Weekly Email Newsletter | Moodle News Twitter Thanks for visiting! One of our most popular recent posts is “10 things you can do with a Moodle webpage” and in light of a few recent requests I am not sharing it as a backup file. Download the zip right here (or by logging into as the student/student user). If you make an improvement or add a new “thing you can do with a Moodle web-page” please share-alike!

Download link: “10 Things” Course. Round-Up Of 20 Most Useful Open Source Software. 100 Ways Google Can Make You a Better Educator. New Educational Apps of the Month. Digital Tools We’re starting a new monthly feature here at MindShift, a round-up of new educational apps released or updated over the course of the month. This list is a combination of Android, iPhone, and Web applications that have caught our eye. If we’ve forgotten any of your favorites, let us know in the comments. The Smithsonian Institution and MIT VANISHED is an 8-week online/offline environmental disaster mystery game for middle-school children, meant to inspire engagement and problem solving through science.

Developed by the MIT’s Education Arcade and by the Smithsonian Institution, VANISHED encourages participants to investate an environmental disaster by using real scientific methods, by visiting museums and collecting samples from their neighborhoods, and by participating in online challenges. (Free, Web, Middle School) The perennial children’s favorite book Pat the Bunny is now an iPhone and iPad app. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt have released HMH Fuse: Algebra 1 for iPad. Talking about blended learning – part 3 – selecting methods. Sales eLearning – 21 Great Resources. Google в обучении. Кажется, тема использования Google в обучении уже не раз поднималась. И понятно почему: Google кроме поиска предлагает много разных инструментов и приложений. Вариантов использования настолько много, что не всегда понятно, какой выбрать. Совет один — пробовать и самостоятельно оценивать! Коллеги из Центра eLearning подготовили перевод примеров использования инструментов Google в обучении (ссылки ведут на англоязычные ресурсы).

Join the #moodlewish Twitter Stream! PLEASE WISH UP! Do you feel that Moodle needs improvement in some areas? Or perhaps don't like some of its features? Then why not make your voice heard in 14o characters, using the #moodlewish hashtag. Trust me, Moodlers (or developers) around the world will be following this one with hawk eyes as we Moodle users voice our thoughts, ideas, suggestions and frustrations. If you are a real Moodle die-hard fan, perhaps you should use the Moodle Tracker to give more detailed and constructive suggestions (including screenshots) for improvement.

So, having a dedicated hashtag in #moodlewish will hopefully provide a more convenient venue for all Moodle users to share ideas and suggestions (or those that use Twitter!) WHY? I suppose it has been difficult to keep up with all the innovations going on in purpose-built tools out there such as Facebook, Scribd, Ning (become commercial! Or be able to upload files as dynamically as what Scribd enables us to do.

"Dear Tomaz Lasic, Not easy :( Cheers! " Lovely! Twitter – A Teaching and Learning Tool. The Soul of Web 2.0. Moodle is an Airport, Not a Total Solution! The Seven Principles You Need to Know to Build a Great Social Product. Education and the social web. Integrating web 2.0 and LMSs. Next generation education or just another tool? Home page. 100+ Online Resources That Are Transforming Education. A-Z. Five tips for designing effective online learning modules. eFront Learning: Free and Open Source Web Conferencing (Online Meetings, Webinars) Tools for e-Learning.

Using Social Media for Learning: Tools & Practices #BHsocialmedia. European report on barriers to the use of open educational resources. Подборка материалов по ADDIE. Recorded. Untitled. Материалы вебинара "Педагогический дизайн электронного курса" Recorded. ADDIE: итоги. The 100 Best Open Education Resources on the Web. Free Downloads. Revising Bloom’s Taxonomy wrt Engineering Education « Learning & Computing Education: Reflections and Ideation. Образование для «новой» экономики.