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Statistics. The Millennial Impact — Facts About The Cily of Los Angeles. Internal Revenue Service. Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog - California Home Page. Cities of Service. Welcome to Corporation for National and Community Service. American Community Survey Main. The City Maven. 2010 Census. Candidates on the Issues. It Takes A Village, by Hillary Clinton. It Takes A Village, by Hillary Clinton (Click for Amazon book review) BOOK REVIEW by This book is Hillary's classic -- not so much a political book as a definition of her view of the world.

It was written in 1996, well before she was considering running for the presidency. Hence it does not have much in the way of policy prescriptions. However, Hillary added an introduction in December 2006, for the "10th Anniversary Edition," along with a new set of end-notes commenting on her updated thoughts on the original text. Those 2006 additions were written with her presidential run in mind, and constitute the bulk of our excerpts. The theme of Hillary's book (and its title) is that children are raised not just by their parents, but also by all of the other people in the society around them. -- by Jesse Gordon,, November 2007 The above quotations are from It Takes A Village, by Hillary Clinton.