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Weirdness on TV. Do we really give introverts a hard time? 27 March 2012Last updated at 12:50 ET By Vanessa Barford BBC News Magazine In a group situation, it's not necessarily the talkers who have the best ideas It is often assumed extroverts do best in life, but according to a new best-selling book, introverts are just as high achievers. It claims there is a bias towards extroverts in Western society. So do we discriminate against introverts? Barack Obama, JK Rowling and Steve Wozniak. They might not immediately stand out as introverts, but according to Susan Cain, American author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts In a World That Can't Stop Talking, they are. That is because she says, contrary to popular opinion, introverts are not necessarily shy or anti-social, they just prefer environments that are not over-stimulating and get their energy from quiet time and reflection. Conversely, extroverts need to be around other people to recharge their batteries.

Continue reading the main story Extroversion and introversion Continue reading the main story. My Radical Realization About Self-Love. **Note: I have written 100+ articles on this website about ways to improve yourself. Besides meditation, nothing comes close to how much the content of this article has changed my life. If you’re ever going to truly apply an article, this is the one.** Do you love yourself? That’s a hard question to answer. But it’s not that simple. To make matters more confusing, the people who act the most confident often have the most dire issues with loving themselves. Indicators of self-love issues: Being hyper-critical of yourselfDifficulty in loving others (because you must first love yourself)Self-sabotage (not doing what you KNOW you should be doing)Being self-conscious in social situationsDifficulty in fully accepting complimentsNo accomplishment is ever enough, even temporarilyNot valuing your own time and priorities (being overly nice to others) Self-love is the foundation of most every self-improvement topic.

This is something that everyone can work on, no matter how much you love yourself. The Alphabet 2. 12 Things You Probably Didn't Know About The Movie 'Mean Girls'