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Programing include java ,html,javascripts,c++,MySQL,PHP,Ajax,Jscripts

QR-Code Generator. Learning - Online Courses. TeacherTube - Teach the World | Teacher Videos | Lesson Plan Videos | Student Video Lessons | Online Teacher Made Videos | OpenLearn - The Open University. Hacktivism/Digital Activism/Online Privacy, Security,Anonymity. HTML 5 and CSS 3: The Techniques You’ll Soon Be Using. In this tutorial, we are going to build a blog page using next-generation techniques from HTML 5 and CSS 3.

The tutorial aims to demonstrate how we will be building websites when the specifications are finalized and the browser vendors have implemented them. If you already know HTML and CSS, it should be easy to follow along. Before we get started, consider using one of our HTML5 Templates or CSS Themes for your next project—that is, if you need a quick and professional solution. Otherwise, it's time to dig into these techniques. HTML 5 is the next major version of HTML. It introduces a bunch of new elements that will make our pages more semantic. Before we begin marking up the page we should get the overall structure straight: In HTML 5 there are specific tags meant for marking up the header, navigation, sidebar and footer. It still looks like HTML markup, but there are a few things to note: In HTML 5, there is only one doctype. Marking up the comments is pretty straight-forward. "What?! 50 Useful HTML5 Tutorials, Techniques and Examples for Web Developers.

The revolutionary HTML 5 will soon conquer any respectable web designer who aims towards a good project. It was created in order to improve interoperability and to reduce the cost of web applications and that of developing websites. Due to the perpetual developing of technologies, I guess HTML 5 is an unstoppable feature for the next generation of web designers. It is indeed imperative for every web developer to start learning this new markup language, if they want their websites to be as good as other websites out there. Plus with the constant drop of Flash usage in practically all the web applications, HTML 5 should definitely be considered as important to know about and start using it. It might seem mind-blowing at the beginning, because HTML 5 includes many new features and functions, but it’s never too late to sit down and learn all of it step by step. Create an Audio Player in HTML5 & CSS3.

HTML 5 Tutorial.