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Frogs and Ravens: Books, Bookstores, and Kindle. (Based on a comment originally posted on Lance's blog, in response to this post.) In our current city, there are five bookstores. There is the small used bookshop with the former historian who will talk your ear off about local gossip. There is the tiny Walden Books in the out-of-the-way mall. Two college bookstores offer an unpredictable selection of texts and local authors and pop culture. Downtown there is a bookstore/coffeeshop that mostly specializes in magazines which is the place everyone buys the New York Times on Sunday, and where posters for events around town inevitably get posted. All of them are quite small; each is a single room, except for the used bookstore, which is two tiny rooms. The first and the last are wonderful places for connecting with people - none of them are all that great for obtaining books, simply because they are small. So I end up buying a lot of books online, or in great binges when I visit a city with a richer book market.

Confirm or Deny - Getting Started with Programming. JavaScript Introduction. 10 Jaw Dropping HTML5 and Javascript Effects. Alright, HTML5 has been released for quite a while now, and its capabilities never cease to amaze me. Here, I have got 10 more HTML and Javascript demonstrations that show you what they can do. Back to few years ago, implementation of these kind of animations are simply impossible and only can be done with Flash, but now, look at them, impressive animations and effects! I have done a few posts before this, just in case you've missed the previous display of the awesomeness of HTML5 and Javascript, here is the lists, make sure you check them out: Personally, I like Blob, keylight and noise field a lot, what do you think?

Breathing Galaxies Hypotrochoid with dynamically changing color and diameter. Use the keyboard to change shapes mid-stream, or move the mouse to create a new shape. Noise Field Particle trails via Perlin noise. An interactive force-directed graph layout. CoffeeScript. Top 10 JavaScript Snippets for Common Tasks. Web developers often use JavaScript for common tasks on their websites. In this tutorial we'll show you the top 10 JavaScript snippets you can use on your webpages by just cutting and pasting! In this article we're going to cover the following popular script snippets! Date display Calendar Close Window Copy Selected Text Back to Previous Page Focus OnLoad Break out of Frames Add to Favorites IP Address Specify Referring Page Date Display You can use this snippet to display the current date in this format: Friday, June 11, 2010. Calendar This is a plain and simple monthly calendar. Then, in the body of your document, add the following where you want the calendar to show up: <script type="text/javascript">writeCalendar()</script> Close Window A close window function is useful when you use a pop-up window on your page, as it allows the visitor to easily close the window.

For a text link, paste the following where you want the link to appear: Copy Selected Text JavaScript Back Button Add to Favorites.