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Ceaser - CSS Easing Animation Tool - Matthew Lein. – A comprehensive CSS 3 reference guide, tutorial, and blog | The No-Pressure Introduction to CSS3 | Onextrapixel - Web Design & Development Magazine. It's difficult to escape the hype surrounding CSS3 at the moment, yet it has created a divide in the community.

If you read any blog post on the subject and it is flooded with comments by developers who feel they still cannot use CSS3 in their work. Rather than being encouraging the responses from the experts in our community can appear as aggressive and superior. Although they are correct in saying CSS3 can be used now, the decision must still fall to the individual, even if their opinions are based on inaccurate assumptions. In this article I'll try to cover some of the more widely adopted CSS3 advancements, showing you not only how to use them but also the support you will likely expect from the major browsers. Why We Can Use CSS3 Now The arguments as to why we cannot use CSS3 include such things as the specification not being finalised or that some elements of CSS3 are either poorly supported or not supported at all.

Vendor Prefixes Vendor prefixes that are in use today are : Examples. 70 Must-Have CSS3 and HTML5 Tutorials and Resources. CSS3 and HTML 5 are capable of revolutionizing the way we design websites. Both include so many new features and functions that it can be hard to wrap your head around them at times. The inclusion of native support for things like rounded corners and multi-column layouts are just the tip of the ice berg.

Below are seventy resources, tutorials, and articles to get you started with CSS3 and HTML 5. Many of the techniques discussed are already supported to some extent in some some modern web browsers (Safari and Firefox have the most extensive support), so you can get started right away. CSS3 Tutorials and Resources Get Started with CSS 3 – A basic guide to using CSS3. Cascading Style Sheets Current Work – Details the progress the W3C is making on the CSS3 standard. Border-image: Using Images for Your Border – A guide to the new CSS3 function for adding image borders. Overview of CSS3 Structural Pseudo-Classes – A handy reference chart of structural pseudo-classes in CSS3.

HTML 5 Resources. #you{CSS3:Animator;} - Tips, Tricks and Tutorials for CSS3 Animation. CSS3 Animations. I recently wrote about CSS3 Transitions and the next step for that is sort of CSS Transitions on steroids: CSS3 Animations (CSS Animations Module Level 3 specification). What are CSS Animations? CSS Animations offers a more detailed way to control animations, the number of times it should iterate and property values at certain keyframes. A simple example Let’s take a look at the code for a simple CSS3 Animations example: 01..animation-container { 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 09. 10. from { 11. width: 200px; 12. background: #f00; 13. opacity: 0.5; 14. 16. to { 17. width: 400px; 18. background: #ffffa2; 19. opacity: 1; 20.

There are a number of new things we see above. The most interesting part here is the animation name, which is, contrary to what you might believe, any name of your choosing. In this example, the element will rotate to being straight, fade in and become twice as wide at the end of the animation. Using keyframe values and iteration-count 02. height: 60px; 03. padding: 10px; 05. 08. 10. width: 200px; An Introduction To CSS3 Keyframe Animations - Smashing Coding. Advertisement By now you’ve probably heard at least something about animation in CSS3 using keyframe-based syntax. The CSS3 animations module1 in the specification has been around for a couple of years now, and it has the potential to become a big part of Web design. Using CSS3 keyframe animations, developers can create smooth, maintainable animations that perform relatively well and that don’t require reams of scripting.

It’s just another way that CSS3 is helping to solve a real-world problem in an elegant manner. In this article, we’ll cover all the important parts of the syntax, and we’ll fill you in on browser support so that you’ll know when to start using it. A Simple Animated Landscape Scene For the purpose of this article, I’ve created a simple animated landscape scene to introduce the various aspects of the syntax. (NOTE: Versions of Safari prior to 5.1 have a bug that prevents the animation from finishing correctly. The @keyframes At-Rule Here’s the @ rule we’ll be using: Shorthand. Code Snippets. Pure CSS Timeline – Notebook | I wanted to build a CSS timeline for the “About” section of my site while using some clean and simple markup.

I wanted to avoid using images as much as possible, so I spent a few minutes prototyping some options and came up with a solution using unordered lists. The result is a simple and clean looking timeline with some very straight forward markup. In this article I’ll share my approach to creating a timeline out of CSS and HTML which results in a nice looking, simple timeline. Introduction First and foremost, is the solution I’m about to share with you the best solution? What are we building? Let’s take a look at a screenshot of the timeline that we’re building in this tutorial. We have a nice looking timeline styled completely with CSS, but what happens if the visitor doesn’t have CSS enabled? What would make this better is if the labels for the x-axis of the timeline would work better with the timeline block labels.

The Markup I chose to use a unordered list implementation. The CSS. Pure Css Data Chart. Data visualization is mostly achieved with flash applications or with help of some programming languages. Are those solutions the only way to present, let’s say simple data chart? How about giving it a try with nothing but good ol’ css? Take a look at the Demo | Download Css Chart Approach In this example I am not using JavaScript or any backend application.

What I’ll do here is turn this: into this with css alone. The markup In my example I have used a period of last 12 days and presented my working energy level in percentages, 100% being the best I’ve felt about working ever. Anyway, to structure this kind of data I chose definition list. <dt>Day 1</dt> And definition description contains the value <dd>36</dd> Inside the definition description element I will add a span and nested em element. <dd><span class="type2 p80"><em>80</em></span></dd> Styling it Definition titles have no visual purpose here, so I’ll hide them: Moving on to the real thing. Here’s the scheme of one chart bar. How To Create a Pure CSS Polaroid Photo Gallery. Magical things can be done by combining various CSS properties, especially when some of the new CSS3 tricks are thrown into the mix.

Let’s take a look at building a cool looking stack of Polaroid photos with pure CSS styling. View the Demo Check out the demo to see what we’ll be building. Remember, because we’ll be using a couple of CSS3 properties, users with IE won’t see the complete effect, but fully supporting browsers such as Firefox and Safari will be treated to the whole experience. We’ll use basic CSS to style up the photos into a Polaroid style images, then inject some additional styling with shadows and rotation, then use the z-index property to alter the stacking order of all the objects. Start work by sourcing your images. Next, set up the basic page structure with a container centered on the page. Semantically lay out the collection of images in an Unordered List element, and wrap each image with an anchor to create a clickable link.

That’s all there is to it!