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Potthapada Sutta: About Potthapada. I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Savatthi in Jeta's Grove, Anathapindika's monastery.

Potthapada Sutta: About Potthapada

Now on that occasion Potthapada the wanderer, together with a large following of about 300 wanderers, had taken up residence in the debating hall near the Tinduka tree in the single-pavilion park of Queen Mallika. Then the Blessed One, early in the morning, taking his robes & bowl, entered Savatthi for alms. Then the thought occurred to him, "While it's still too early to go into Savatthi for alms, why don't I go to the debating hall near the Tinduka tree in the single-pavilion park of Queen Mallika to see Potthapada the wanderer? " So he went to the debating hall near the Tinduka tree in the single-pavilion park of Queen Mallika. Then the Blessed One went to Potthapada, and Potthapada said to him, "Come, Blessed One. When this was said, Potthapada replied, "Never mind, lord, about the topic of conversation for which we have gathered here. "No, lord. "Yes, lord.

The Time is Now. Springwater Center: Meditation at Springwater Center. The following words, adapted from a talk given by Toni Packer on August 30, 1998, convey the spirit of meditation at Springwater Center.

Springwater Center: Meditation at Springwater Center

You can also listen to or download the original talk (MP3). What a beautiful, quiet morning it is! The faint hum of insects, a cool breeze touching the skin. The breathing, do we feel it? The body pulsating with heart beats, people sitting quietly together? Is there, for moments at a time, an open listening that does not create divisions among us? We are not asking in order to get rid of wanting or fearing, these cannot be gotten rid of by any conventional means. Right now can there be simple listening, awaring, being present to what appears as sound and feeling and thinking in the midst of open silence? Our habitual listening and looking has been thoroughly conditioned by past experiences and innate tendencies which unconsciously select, color, distort what we hear and see. Joan Tollifson: The Simplicity of What Is.

Qigong-v1. Embeddable graphics for your website — The Domino Project. This page contains graphics to display on your website or blog, downloadable materials in PDF format, and special video content.

Embeddable graphics for your website — The Domino Project

The detailed table of contents is listed below. If you find something useful, be sure to share it! Jump to section: Return to top ↑ Want to show your support for The Domino Project? Download The Domino Project Media Kit (PDF) Download the Poke the Box Workbook Right click and "save target/link as" to download high-resolution version of the Do the Work cover. Tru Journal - Online Inspirational Social Community Social Network. Token Rock - Inspiration for life. AUDIO SAMPLES. Daily Dharma Aggregator and Buddhist News Feed Hub. BuddhismA2Z. Accessing Buddhism. The Secular Buddhist. Five Remedies for Stormy Emotions. Helpful Tips for Turbulent Times Working with emotions from the Mahayana Buddhist perspective is a lot like composting.

Five Remedies for Stormy Emotions

The basic idea is that nothing in our emotional world is to be discarded. The practice is to refrain from rejecting or indulging any aspect of our experience and learn to face it directly. By welcoming our challenging emotions and channelling the energy in useful ways, we see how emotions are like messengers, telling us something about our relationship to ourselves and others. Emotional maturity is not about creating more interesting stories about your feelings, but rather is about mastering the ability to be with the continuous flow of emotions as they rise and fall. None of us like to feel jealous, but if we can accept the truth of our experience enough to work with it, there are some important questions to ask.

The remedy for jealousy is to practice rejoicing in the happiness of others. Anger is probably the most challenging klesha to work with. Thanks for Joining Gabrielle’s Mailing List. Gabrielle Bernstein – Author, Motivational Speaker, Spiritual Guru. Sounds True Author - Gangaji. Focusing. Site Map.

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