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Fantastic Lava Photography. 10 Concept Artists Who Should Be Making Their Own Movies. Okay, I'm going to be the killjoy here and point out that being able to draw pretty pictures or create characters is not the same as creating a coherent narrative on film. George Lucas created a great universe and can't tell a story for shit. Del Toro also creates amazingly beautiful things, but is painfully hit-or-miss in the storytelling department. And then we have the Frank Miller cinematic oeuvre. One skill does not automatically include the other. George Lucas created a great universe and can't tell a story for shit. He wrote the story and script for American Graffiti and Star Wars, devised the stories and contributed to the scripts of Empire and Jedi, came up with the character and premise of Indiana Jones, and helped develop the stories of all those films.

Whatever you think of the prequels (they're flawed, but nowhere near the abominations the internet would have you believe) and Indiana Jones 4, saying George Lucas can't tell a story for shit is objectively nonsense. Charles Fréger : Works. Environment Artist. Tokyo Good Idea Development Institute, Co. Ltd. Tokyo Tower Gigapixel Panorama. Overview and History. Tokyo will be the first city to turn into a spaceship and fly away, possibly powered by the real volcanic erupting action of Mt. Fuji! Robots, fish, manga, crowds, and all things exaggerated.Here's a true story: a Japanese friend of mine in New York City once amazed me by the way she ate a tangerine.

She opened the rind with three small slits, removed the fruit as a globe without breaking the rind into pieces, then sucked the juice from each little wedge of the fruit. Feng Zhu Design. Mq5cacvYNj1qc83lzo1_500.jpg (500×375) Welcome to Dylan Cole Studio. J i n g z h e n g. Металлические кружева Кэл Лейн (Cal Lane) Когда-то она была парикмахером, но ушла из этой профессии. И вовремя: вряд ли кому то понравились бы кружева на собственной голове, выжженные паяльной лампой. Зато металлические кружева, которые теперь выполняет Кэл Лейн (Cal Lane) в технике плазменной резки, принесли ей известность и статус Железной Арт-Леди.

Паяльная лампа, наковальня и молот - эти, казалось бы, совершенно не женские атрибуты прочно вошли в жизнь Кэл Лейн. Ловко орудуя ими, она превращает металлические предметы, добытые на свалках, в произведения искусства. Кэл Лейн прошла путь в искусство длиной в 15 лет обучения и оттачивания техники работы с металлическими листами: Викторианский колледж искусств, где получила основы художественного мастерства, колледж Camosun, где овладела искусством сварки, учёба в Галифаксе и Нью-Йорке на дизайнера.

На сегодняшний день нет никого, кто мог бы соперничать с ней в области художественной сварки. При этом не важно, что до этого думали другие обо всём этом. Поделиться с друзьями: The lost art of Final Fantasy IX (Mama Robotnik Research Thread) EDIT - I'd advise scrolling through the thread, I've posted further images as I've unearthed them. Final Fantasy IX is my favourite in the franchise. It’s a tremendously imaginative, funny, touching, effervescent journey through two colourful worlds.

It’s unpredictable, enthusiastic and allows for generous and plentiful exploration – and overflows with optional secrets and locations. It’s a fantastic experience that doesn’t take itself too seriously: Consider that you start the game as a thief with his own tail – who then meets a princess demanding to be kidnapped from her obese mother – and then you crash-land a flying boat in a forest that turns to stone – while being hunted by two evil court jesters - and things just get madder from there. Full disclosure if you haven’t played it: some contemporary gamers struggle with the battle speed – I don’t find it to be a problem, but it’s worth keeping in mind.

(CLICK FOR FULL SIZE) (CLICK FOR FULL SIZE) More thumbnailed images here: Sources: