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Couchdb. An Introduction to Using CouchDB with Django - Irrational ... Welcome to the final installment of this series, which has looked at the advantages of Django's loose binding philosophy.

An Introduction to Using CouchDB with Django - Irrational ...

At first, we looked at replacing Django's templating system with Jinja2. Next, we looked at using SQLAlchemy instead of Django's ORM, and in this third segment we are going to look at using CouchDB instead of a traditional object relational database for data storage. CouchDB is one of the more exciting projects--measured in number of semi-plausible day dreams it has inspired--I've run into in the past year. It is an ideological rival to relational databases, and instead of being focused on highly detailed schemas (long ints, varchars of length 25, and blobs of binary data, oh my) it deals in documents.

These documents may be comprised of identical fields, but may also contain dissimilar fields, allowing the same flexibility as Google's BigTable. Our Project First we need to have Django installed. Getting to Know CouchDB First, we need to start running CouchDB. Yes. PyCon 2011: CouchDB and Python in practice. Facts and speculation about noSQL - Mario Aparicio. Beating Google With CouchDB, Celery and Whoosh (Part 1) « Andrew Wilkinson. Ok, let’s get this out of the way right at the start – the title is a huge overstatement.

Beating Google With CouchDB, Celery and Whoosh (Part 1) « Andrew Wilkinson

This series of posts will show you how to create a search engine using standard Python tools like Django, Celery and Whoosh with CouchDB as the backend. Celery is a message passing library that makes it really easy to run background tasks and to spread them across a number of nodes. The most recent release added the NoSQL database CouchDB as a possible backend. I’m a huge fan of CouchDB, and the idea of running both my database and message passing backend on the same software really appealed to me. Unfortunately the documentation doesn’t make it clear what you need to do to get CouchDB working, and what the downsides are. In this series I’m going to talk about setting up Celery to work with Django, using CouchDB as a backend. Let’s consider what we need to implement for our webcrawler to work, and be a good citizen of the internet.

We’ll divide the algorithm for our webcrawler into three parts. Why CouchDB? Couchdb. CouchRest – CouchDB sem frescuras. Tenho pensando em utilizar bancos de dados baseados em documentos em meus aplicativos Ruby há alguns meses, talvez você se lembre do artigo sobre o MongoMapper em Junho, e tenho acompanhado a evolução do movimento No-SQL .

CouchRest – CouchDB sem frescuras

A apresentação do George Palmer no Rails Underground sobre sua gem couch_foo me inspirou a explorar mais possibilidades, e recentemente comecei a incorporar o CouchDB em alguns dos projetos em que tenho trabalhado. O que é um "banco de dados baseado em documentos" ? O CouchDB é um dentre os vários bancos de dados baseados em documentos disponíveis, e seu principal concorrente é o MongoDB , sendo que há uma boa comparação entre ambos no website do Mongo . Os bancos baseados em documentos são uma espécie de ponte entre os tradicionais bancos de dados relacionais que possuem pilhas de funcionalidades (como por exemplo o MySQL e o Postgres ) e bancos de dados chave-valor, que são rápidos e facilmente escaláveis (como por exemplo o Toyko Cabinet ). CouchRest. Rails Summit 2009 - Marcos Tapajós on Vimeo - CounchDB.