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Game development

Quick Tip: The OOP Principle of Encapsulation. We've discussed object-oriented programming for game developers in general and the specific OOP principles of cohesion and coupling. Now let's take a look at encapsulation and how it helps to keep code loosely coupled and more maintainable. Note: Although this Quick Tip is explained using Java, you should be able to use the same techniques and concepts in almost any game development environment. A popular example you’ll hear for encapsulation is driving a car. Do you need to know exactly how every aspect of a car works (engine, carburettor, alternator, and so on)? No - you need to know how to use the steering wheel, brakes, accelerator, and so on. Another example is searching for a value in an array. The above code will return true if the value 11 is in myArray, otherwise it will return false. Encapsulation helps to create code that is loosely coupled.

It also greatly helps when you must change the data type of a variable. The getter will return a String value: the variable time. Gallery · mbostock/d3 Wiki. Wiki ▸ Gallery Welcome to the D3 gallery! More examples are available for forking on Observable; see D3’s profile and the visualization collection. Please share your work on Observable, or tweet us a link!

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