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Victorian neck knit

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Grace sock : Knitty Winter bis 2011. Toe: Using your chosen toe-up CO method, CO 22 sts, or 11 sts on each of two needles.

Grace sock : Knitty Winter bis 2011

Distribute sts as you prefer and join for working in the round. Divide sock into instep and sole as follows: the first 11 sts are the instep sts; the remaining 11 sts are the sole sts. Knit 1 round. Editorial win 05. Cuff CO 72 sts.

editorial win 05

Divide sts evenly between 3 needles (24 sts on each needle), place marker and join to begin working in the round, being careful not to twist. Round 1: [P1, k1 tbl] to end. Repeat this round 9 times more. LegSet-Up Round: [Yo, k2tog, (p1, k1 tbl) five times] to end of round. Alarming Female - Fluke. Loumms. Search loumms year of socks I’m not sure why everything starts over a bottle of wine at the Granby.


‘We need more socks in our lives. Knitsnthings's Weblog. NOTE: In the pattern, where I say to disregard row 1, I mean row one (the ‘no stitch’ row) of the charted pattern – I made the chart one row too long.

Knitsnthings's Weblog

The written pattern is correct as written. Sorry for any confusion! Hello I’ve been working on a little personal challenge – my socks are wearing out (they’re handknit so they are all a few years old) and I needed some more. Tribute sock: Knitty Spring+Summer 2010. Socks Loosely cast on 68 sts leaving a 12-inch tail to sew down cuff.

Tribute sock: Knitty Spring+Summer 2010

Join being careful not to twist and mark beginning of round. Work even in stockinette stitch for 1 inch. Picot round: [K2tog, yo] to end of round. Continue in stockinette stitch for 1 inch. Next round: Work Chart A twice across round. Continue as established until you have worked two full repeats of Chart A. Heel Flap: Turn so that WS is facing. Repeat Rows 1 & 2 15[16, 17] more times. Summer 2006. Lily of the Valley (Shown in Green above): String 40[50, 60, 70, 80] beads onto the yarn.

Summer 2006

Using long-tail cast on method, CO 25 sts, leaving a tail of at least 12 inches. K 4 rows, then work Lily of the Valley pattern as follows: Odd-numbered Rows 1-13 [WS]: P all sts. Eleanor cowl: Knitty Deep Fall 2010. If working back and forth in rows: Using largest straight needles and long tail method, loosely CO 132 sts.

Eleanor cowl: Knitty Deep Fall 2010

Switching to mid-sized needles, work Rows 1-14 of Chart A, working outlined pattern repeat section five times. If desired, place stitch markers between pattern repeats. 112 sts when all rows of Chart A are complete. Rani - Knitty, Summer 2009. Katherine Matthews is fascinated by all things new and shiny, and she occasionally noodles out a design under the Purl Diving banner.

Rani - Knitty, Summer 2009

She draws inspiration from many cultures, and is currently obsessed by the colors and motifs seen in Hindi films from Bollywood, as well as other South Asian film genres. She is a social media junkie, blogs in way too many places (including Apparknitchik and Totally Filmi) and can be often be found hanging around the Twitter watercooler. Katherine is grateful to both Susanna Hanson, who taught her how to knit the wristwarmers in the first place, and to Kotomi Hiyashi's book "Beads Knitting", which opened her eyes to the possibilities of combining beads, Bollywood, and the traditional Nordic wristwarmer. Chez Plum » Felicie Chokers. Call it a choker, call it a scarflette… It will keep your neck cozy and toasty all winter with great style !!

Chez Plum » Felicie Chokers

A very quick project, yet interesting enough to keep your attention… ;-) This pattern offers two choices of lace pattern for the scarflette, and two flower embellishment options. I’ve rated the slanted lace choker an “intermediate challenge” because it requires attention not to mess up the slants, but really if you can knit an Isabeau purse you can make a Felicie choker !!! (Lacey cabled choker is rated easy challenge) Lace Choker pattern by Jamie A Besel. Tilting Tardis Cowl. Victorian-neck-cozy1. Trifle Cowl from Knitting. Ninaknits's Blog. Happy 2011!

Ninaknits's Blog

We are deep into winter now, with feet of snow outside here in the frozen northeast. Temps below zero last night, which meant hot water bottles for the kitties where they sleep in their down sleeping bag nest. But we are all cozy and warm, especially because I have been knitting a lot with lovely, soft Malabrigo Yarns. January brought the new year, and the release of my eBook, made in cooperation with Malabrigo Yarn, The Best of Times, A Dickensian Winter Collection. This is the first in a series of eBooks that Malabrigo Yarns is making in cooperation with independent knitting designers, and I was very flattered to be asked to create the first book in the series.

In addition the collection is full of not only full color photographs of the designs, but lots of Victorian era artwork, quotes from Dickens novels, and other goodies that strongly evoke the settings and characters of his novels, and the times they are set in, the mid to later 19th century. Hooded Mozzetta Knitting Pattern Silmarwen by TheJaneVictoria.