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Rocket - A Rust game running on WASM. Two weeks ago, Alex Crichton’s PR adding a target for WebAssembly to the Rust compiler was merged. There are many differences between this target and the Emscripten one, but the important one for me is that it doesn’t depend on external stuff like the Emscripten SDK (which IIRC used to be a pain to get working on Windows, but seems to be better now). After seeing the examples on, I thought it would be interesting to try to adapt my game Rocket to work on the browser through the wasm32-unknown-unknown target. The project was a great way to figure out how far you can go when porting a project that is a bit more complex than a hello world. I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that most of the code could be reused.

Particularly, the game logic code was barely touched at all. Here is the source code. The controls are: Left and right arrows: turn left and rightUp arrow: boostSpace: shoot An MVP Getting things to compile: removing Piston At this point, we were left with: Rendering. Writing a Brainfuck Interpreter in Rust (and WebAssembly) Global Electronic Trading: Web Assembly & Streaming Data for Financial Markets (HTML5, OMS, EMS, Market Data) Had the pleasure of seeing a presentation by Mike Dunne, CTO of Activ Financial on Web Assembly.Firstly, what is Web Assembly? There's a good answer on the Mozilla website here.

"WebAssembly is a new type of code that can be run in modern web browsers and provides new features and major gains in performance. It is not primarily intended to be written by hand, rather it is designed to be an effective compilation target for low-level source languages like C, C++, Rust, etc. " -- "The WebAssembly ecosystem is at a nascent stage; more tools will undoubtedly emerge going forward. Right now, there are two main entry points: Porting a C/C++ application with Emscripten.Writing or generating WebAssembly directly at the assembly level" -- There is the mandatory "hello world" example here. Here's an extract from one of the slides that Mike presented: The item "MB" is a middle-box. WebAssembly debugging with Firefox DevTools. Migrating D3 Force Layout to WebAssembly. In this blog post I’ll take a look at a real-world application of WebAssembly (WASM), the re-implementation of D3 force layout.

The end result is a drop-in replacement for the D3 APIs, compiled to WASM using AssemblyScript (TypeScript). In my previous post on WASM I explored various different techniques for rendering Mandelbrot fractals. In some ways this is the perfect application for the technology, a computationally intensive operation, exposed via a simple interface that operates on numeric types. In this post, I want to start explore slightly less contrived applications of WASM. As someone who is a frequent user of D3, I thought I’d have a go at re-implementing the force layout component. Here is the force layout simulation for the above example: var simulation = d3.forceSimulation(graph.nodes) .force("link", d3.forceLink().links(graph.links).id(d => .force("charge", d3.forceManyBody()) .force("center", d3.forceCenter(width / 2, height / 2)); And here is the WASM equivalent:

Earth on Web: The road to cross browser – Google Earth and Earth Engine. By Jordon Mears, Tech Lead Manager, Google Earth on Web On Earth day 2017, we rebooted Google Earth as a web application on Google Chrome after a 12-plus year history as a desktop application installable on Windows, Mac and Linux. We have been really excited to bring Earth to the web (and Chromebooks) for the first time. However one of the questions we have gotten a lot from the technical community is why only Chrome? Bringing Google Earth to the web was a multi-year effort. First, we rebuilt Google Earth’s rendering engine from the ground up. Make no mistake, we were (and still are) thrilled to give people a new way to experience Google Earth — all within the browser. It has always been our intention to bring Earth to as many people as possible on as many browsers as possible.

We’re proud to show a demo of Earth for the first time running in WebAssembly on Chrome, Firefox and Chromium (with more browsers in the works) at this year’s Chrome Dev Summit. Google Chrome Extension Malware: cryptocurrency miner. With this article I would like to share a real experience of discovering a malware that mines cryptocurrency using the extensions of the most widely used browser in the world: Google Chrome. It was thursday 21th September 2017, an ordinary work day, when company IDS (Intrusion Detection System) of NethServer warned me of suspicious traffic originated from my pc, through the events web interface: The alarm is about a cryptocurrency mining activity.

The only useful data is the source ip address, because the destination is the corporate one. By doing a squid log analysis I’ve found that my machine is involved with ip address for thousand times: # grep /var/log/squid/access.log1506000797.202 30000 TAG_NONE/200 0 CONNECT - HIER_NONE/- -1506000797.202 30000 TCP_TUNNEL/200 0 CONNECT - ORIGINAL_DST/ - # grep /var/log/squid/access.log | wc -l2569 Extension analysis.

Tombo A2O demo with WebAssembly. Serverless speech recognition with WebAssembly. Srobbin/wasmycartowed: An example app for using the City of Chicago's data portal. Creating a WebAssembly binary and running it in a browser — Mikael Lundin Weblog. WebAssembly, is the promise of an intermediate language of the web, or JavaScript as an Assembly langauge if you want to. It really came from the AsmJS initiative, where a static subset of javascript was found to run much much faster than the full dynamic language. WebAssembly is the next iteration of that where a new assembler language has been designed to run on top of the javascript engine. This comes with a couple of promises It will run faster than ordinary JavaScriptIt will load faster than AsmJS because it doesn't have to be interpreted from textIt has a binary format that will be smaller than anything text basedIt will, in the future, also be debuggable in the browser The most uses we have seen of asmjs so far has been compiling C/C++ into asmjs in order to run these in the browser.

We have all seen the Unity 3D demos and been impressed. This blog post will take a look at the binary format of WebAssembly, how to read it, write it and run it. WebAssembly text syntax Preamble. Bringing the web up to speed with WebAssembly. Bringing the web up to speed with WebAssembly Haas et al., PLDI 2017 This is a joint paper from authors at Google, Mozilla, Microsoft and Apple describing the motivations for WebAssembly together with a very concise exposition of its core semantics. If you’re following along with the paper, I found it helpful to dip into the full WebAssembly Specification at points for extra clarification. I’m going to spend most of my time in this write-up covering the parts of the paper focusing on the design rationale, properties, and implementation experiences since diving into the detailed semantics is really better left to the full spec.

Why do we need WebAssembly? There’s a great observation in the introduction section: the Web has become the most ubiquitous application platform ever, and yet by historical accident the only natively supported programming language for that platform is JavaScript! WebAssembly addresses the problem of safe, fast, portable low-level code on the Web. Execution Validation. GitHub - kwonoj/hunspell-asm: WebAssembly based Javascript bindings for hunspell spellchecker. GitHub - zacharyvoase/amoebajs: A WebAssembly-based linear constraint solver for JavaScript. Let’s write Pong in WebAssembly – Michael Bebenita – Medium.

Demo Fiddle I’ll be writing the game mostly in C and with a little help from JavaScript for rendering and event handling. Since I’ve got two languages to work with, I could slice the application in several ways but I want to write as much of the game in C as I can, and only use JavaScript for library support. I will not include any .h files thus no external libraries will be available to me, no printf, no malloc, just plain old C. The point of this exercise is to demonstrate how to wire up a minimal WebAssembly program. Here are all the JavaScript bits. WasmInstance.exports.main(); On the C side, setInterval is declared as extern (meaning that it needs to be defined outside of the module). Extern setInterval(int (*callback)()); int runCallback(int (*callback)()) { return callback();} These two functions make it possible to wire up the event loop directly from C code int tick() { ...} int main() { jsSetInterval(tick);} Any function defined outside of the module needs to be marked as extern.

GitHub - ncbray/wassembler. Introduction to WebAssembly — Rasmus Andersson. WebAssembly, or WASM for short, is a new technology for running portable programs in a safe and efficient manner primarily aimed at the web platform. Similarly to ASM.js, WASM aims at a low level-of abstraction suitable as an intermediate representation of a higher-level program — i.e. WebAssembly code is intended to be generated by compilers rather than being written by humans. The W3C community group includes representatives from the largest web-browser companies, including Google, Microsoft, Apple and Mozilla making this whole thing rather exciting. If you’re reading this chances are you’re already familiar with WASM to some extent. If you aren’t, this would be a good time to check out There are someexistingcompilers which are getting “WASM’d”, but this article is going to focus on creating WASM programs without lots of dependencies or high-level languages.

Let’s get started. Anatomy of a WebAssembly program (i32 i32 -> i32) (i64 -> i64) ( -> ) ("half" (func 1)) wasm-util. WebAssembly — The missing tutorial – Mads Sejersen – Medium. I decided to take a look at WebAssembly in case it is going to be the next big thing. It is a project that evolves pretty fast, and most tutorials and examples are already outdated, so I’ve written down my findings here, in case other people are also interested. In this first blog post I’m diving into the basics of the binary format. I know that no one will write this by hand, but in order to deal with it programmatically, we must at least know how it works. The specification is currently available in form of a reference implementation and some loosely written notes on the design and semantics, but the following may be easier to digest for most people.

Basics The first thing we need to learn how two of the basic data types work. The first being variable length integers, and the second being variable length arrays. Sections A WebAssembly module contains ten sections of which all are optional (unless required by other sections, of course) and all must occur in the following order. Build Your First Thing With WebAssembly - Culture of Development. When I first heard of WebAssembly it sure sounded cool and I was super excited to start trying it out. As soon as I tried to get started however, it got a lot more frustrating.

My goal here is to save you some of that frustration. Reader beware This post was written in June 24th, 2016. WebAssembly is a very new and unstable technology and everything in this post might be wrong as the process continues to standardize it for all browsers. With that out of the way.... What is WebAssembly? Well the official website describes it as: WebAssembly or wasm is a new portable, size- and load-time-efficient format suitable for compilation to the web.

Uhh... wat? WebAssembly or wasm is a bytecode specification for writing performant, browser agnostic web components. So we're still not quite to the point of sounding totally awesome with a quip, but here comes the rest of the elevator pitch. Sounds a lot cooler now, doesn't it? Let's get started HelloWorld in bytecode "Uhh.. cool man. Wasm bytecode. GitHub - guybedford/wasm-intro: WASM Introduction Examples. WebAssembly: A New Hope | Inside PSPDFKit. In March 2017, just five months ago, the WebAssembly Community Group reached consensus on the initial (MVP) binary format, JavaScript API, and reference interpreter. This exciting new technology is already shipping in Chrome and Firefox, and will be fully supported in macOS High Sierra and iOS 11 with Microsoft Edge support following shortly thereafter. But what is WebAssembly and what does it mean for the web? The dream of high-performance computing in a secured browser Four years ago, Alon Zakai from Mozilla developed a subset of JavaScript that aimed to bring extraordinary optimizations to the language.

This marks the birth of asm.js. By using the the asm pragma ("use asm";) and nifty typing hints, asm.js allows JavaScript interpreters that support asm.js to use low-level CPU operations instead of more expensive JavaScript. A primer of asm.js For example, a | 0 is used to hint that a is a 32-bit integer or +a is a double (64-bit floating point).

The new kid on the block. GitHub - drola/webassembly: Demos and slides from my WebAssembly talk. Unveiling WebAssembly: what, why, how by Matjaz Drolc - todoJS. Splitting the Monolith from a Front-End point of view by Bryan McEire At Spotahome, we are splitting a big monolithic application into different bounded contexts applying hexagonal architecture and domain driven design principles, among others. In the architecture, we are as well splitting all the user interface from the back-end and we have created a Back-End for Front-End Integration Service that consumes API and serves the views to the end users, or exposes public API for third parties. Vectr : Vector Graphics Editor in JavaScript by Nick Budden Vectr is Creative Software in the cloud (think ‘Adobe Killer’). It’s all JS, built on top of a custom-built collaborative filesystem.

Pitching your JS: 4 Steps to Sell to More Clients Now by Matt Boardman A 10 minute lightning talk about how to sell better to clients. Por fin: async / await por Pablo Almunia Tras años de espera, por fin disponemos de una forma sencilla y elegante de gestionar a la asincronía en Javascript. GitHub - piranna/wasmachine: Put WebAssembly in your washing machine. Web Assembly workshop by Dan Callahan [video] - todoJS. Why We Need WebAssembly: An Interview with Brendan Eich — JavaScript Scene. Last week (June 17th, 2015), Brendan Eich announced a new project to bring new low level primitives to the web — a move that will make it easier to compile projects written in languages like C & C++ to run in browsers and other JavaScript environments.

If this is your first time hearing about it, read “What is WebAssembly” for a basic overview. The WebAssembly team includes people from Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, Apple, and others under the banner of the W3C WebAssembly Community Group. The announcement left the web development community speculating about how WebAssembly might impact the future of JavaScript. Brendan Eich fills in the gaps in an interview with Eric Elliott. TL;DR: No Chicken Little, the sky is not falling. All emphasis added. EE: Recently, you announced on your blog that we’re getting something called WebAssembly. BE: Sure. These games would be possibly targeting PS4, XBox and PC. As time went on, the fully native client wasn’t going to cross to other browsers. Brendan Eich. SOM: Simple Object Machine. Previewing the WebAssembly Explorer. Browser speed test - Wikipedia. A browser speed test is a computer benchmark that scores the performance of a web browser, by measuring the browser's efficiency in completing a predefined list of tasks.

In general the testing software is available online, located on a website, where different algorithms are loaded and performed in the browser client. Typical test tasks are rendering and animation, DOM transformations, string operations, mathematical calculations, sorting algorithms, graphic performance tests and memory instructions. Browser speed tests have been used during browser wars to prove superiority of specific web browsers. The popular Acid3 test is no particular speed test but checks browser conformity to web standards (though it checks whether a general performance goal is met).

General tests[edit] Peacekeeper[edit] Peacekeeper is a platform-independent benchmark by Futuremark that tests rendering, mathematical and memory operations. Speed-Battle[edit] Test of JavaScript engine using simple algorithms. JavaScript engine - Wikipedia. WASM.NEWS | WebAssembly News Aggregator. Introduction · WebAssembly. An Abridged Cartoon Introduction To WebAssembly. WebAssembly Overview: So Fast! So Fun! Sorta Difficult! - Lucidchart. WebAssembly playground. Understanding WebAssembly text format - WebAssembly. Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc.

7 Things You Should Know About WebAssembly. Interacting with javascript from WebAssembly – Mads Sejersen – Medium. Mbebenita.github. Getting Started With WebAssembly in Node.js. WebAssembly support - JavaScript - Kotlin Discussions. Webassembly initial steps tutorial or how to start with wasm | Tech Tutorials. John Resig - Asm.js: The JavaScript Compile Target. GitHub - haskell-wasm/wasm: Haskell compiler infastructure for WebAssembly.

Calling a C style function pointer in a WebAssembly from JavaScript. Creating a WebAssembly module instance with JavaScript. Memory in WebAssembly (and why it’s safer than you think) Screamin’ Speed with WebAssembly – Hacker Noon. Tomlagier/circle-pack: C implementation of d3-heirarchy/pack for compilation to wasm. WebAssembly: JavaScript without the JavaScript. Introducing HumbleNet: a cross-platform networking library that works in the browser. DLS: The Sandbox. GitHub - MichaReiser/speedy.js: Accelerate JavaScript Applications by Compiling to WebAssembly. Emscripten and WebAssembly. Comparison of web browsers - Wikipedia. Getting Started With WebAssembly - Tutorialzine. Approaching WebAssembly. WebAssembly workout — back to the future part 2: TypeScript, abstraction, 3D and some interesting…

WebAssembly workout — back to the future part 1: compilation and memory. Developer’s Guide - WebAssembly. WebAssembly and Friends Roadmap. JavaScript vs WebAssembly easy benchmark. WebAssembly Demystified. GitHub - dcodeIO/webassembly: A minimal toolkit and runtime to produce and run WebAssembly modules. A cartoon intro to WebAssembly. WebAssembly 101: a developer's first steps. GitHub - shi-yan/AssortedWidgets: OpenGL GUI library. Gc/ at master · WebAssembly/gc. GitHub - sebmarkbage/ocamlrun-wasm: OCamlrun WebAssembly - OCaml Bytecode Interpreter in WASM. MIL WebDNN. WebAssembly playground. Understanding WebAssembly text format - WebAssembly. Getting Started With WebAssembly in Node.js. Webassembly initial steps tutorial or how to start with wasm | Tech Tutorials. Write and Run WebAssembly in your browser with WasmFiddle! 7 Things You Should Know About WebAssembly.

GOTO 2017 • We Want WebAssembly • Ben Smith. WebAssembly Overview: So Fast! So Fun! Sorta Difficult! - Lucidchart. A first look at WebAssembly performance – Blog. WASM Example. How to get a performance boost using WebAssembly – Hacker Noon. Execute millions of SQL statements in milliseconds in the browser with WebAssembly and Web Workers. Cheerp Blog: Cheerp 2.0 - support for WebAssembly, JavaScript, asm.js and mixed output modes. OpenGL support in Emscripten — Emscripten 1.37.10 documentation. Tech Talk: WebAssembly and the Future of the Browser. Ben Titzer @ VMSS16: A Little on V8 and WebAssembly. GitHub - dcodeIO/AssemblyScript: A subset of TypeScript that compiles to WebAssembly. What WebAssembly means for React - Lin Clark aka @linclark at @ReactEurope 2017. GLSLWASMGIF. Wah, a slightly higher level language for WebAssembly, with a reference compiler in Clojure -

Jay Phelps - WebAssembly Demystified. Compiling for the Web with WebAssembly (Google I/O '17) Fortinet Blog. Marianoguerra.github. GitHub - mbasso/asm-dom: A minimal WebAssembly virtual DOM focused on performance. WebAsm.