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Cool Illustrated Facial Expressions. 100 Awesome Art Lessons on YouTube. Whether you’re getting your bachelor’s degree in painting, graphic design or sculpture, there’s so much to learn about art — from its lush history to materials — that it can sometimes feel overwhelming.

100 Awesome Art Lessons on YouTube

Yet art students shouldn’t fret. There’s a whole lifetime ahead to learn and numerous resources both in the classroom and outside of it for expanding your knowledge. One great place to seek out help with becoming a better artist is on YouTube. There, other artists, teachers and experts share their lessons on just about everything you could want to know. Here are a just a few of the thousands of art-related videos on YouTube to get you started with your creative education. Drawing From how to sketch parts of the body to the best materials to use, these videos will help educate you on all things drawing-related.

Painting There are many kinds of paint, from oil to watercolor, so it can take a long time to truly become a master at any one of them, let alone multiple media. Illustration Sculpture. How to Think of What to Draw. Edit Article Edited by Dvortygirl, Laptop123, Nicole Willson, Random and 41 others Have you been inspired to draw, including getting inspiration from famous artists, or are just doing it for fun?

How to Think of What to Draw

Drawing can often be fun, but sometimes it can be hard to think of ideas for what to draw. Well, don't worry about that -- there are many, many different ideas - just read this article to find out what they are. Ad Steps 1Doodle. 21Look back through old sketchbooks for ideas. Tips Don't be afraid to try something new or make something up as you go. Warnings. How To Draw Hands Tutorials. So everybody knows that the hands and the fingers are one of the hardest things to draw.

How To Draw Hands Tutorials

So here is a personal collection of different hand references, hope to enjoy it and never stop practice. Hogarth hand poses from Iron Giant (middle of page) Mickey Mouse Hand Model Sheet by Les Clark ca. 1932 Merlin hand poses via Deja View Hand drawing tut by uchuucacahuate on deviantart. Excellent hand tutorial by alexds1 on Mr. Useful collection of hand poses by Chrissy Fellmeth. Moss Graffiti. Drawing Board. The Logic Lab: simulating simple circuits of logic gates. DeviantART muro - StumbleUpon.

How To Draw - StumbleUpon. "How to Draw" is a collection of tutorials that will teach you everything from perspective basics to shading chrome.

How To Draw - StumbleUpon

Never picked up a pencil before? Fear not! From simple line drawings to modern art and easy animations, we've got you covered. All projects come from and contain pictures for each step so you can start your masterpiece today! Instructables is the most popular project-sharing community on the Internet. 40 Free Tutorials on Advanced Drawing Techniques. How to Draw Celtic Knotwork. The old method These instructions can be followed with pencil and paper or using any computer based drawing or drafting program.

How to Draw Celtic Knotwork

I have used Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator, and AutoDesk AutoCad for various projects, but my favorite is Corel Draw. In the tutorial below I show the method that I use in Corel Draw; however, I have deliberately left out program-specific instructions. I did this to make the instructions more broadly applicable to work with as many drawing and CAD programs as possible. This method, like most, begins with drawing the grid.

The second step is to draw in the diagonals. Next draw in the connecting curves that will become the edges of the knotwork. This is the step that most people have the most trouble with: deciding where to "Break the Grid". So, where do we put these spaces to make an aesthetically pleasing design? Here is how I do it:: I CHEAT! 1). Or 2). But back to the tutorial. Follow the diagonals until you come to a red line. We're almost there!