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SlickMap CSS: A Visual Sitemapping Tool for Web Developers — Astuteo™ Side Projects SlickMap CSS is a simple stylesheet for displaying finished site maps directly from HTML unordered list navigation. It’s suitable for most web sites – accommodating up to three levels of page navigation and additional utility links – and can easily be customized to meet your own individual needs, branding, or style preferences. The general idea of SlickMap CSS is to streamline the web design process by automating the illustration of site maps while at the same time allowing for the pre-development of functional HTML navigation. Eliminates the need for additional software Easily revised with clients on-the-fly Clickable anchors with visible URLs Design process results in working HTML code SlickMap CSS was created by Matt Everson of Astuteo – that’s me – and it’s entirely free for you to download and use, modify for your own applications, or otherwise make millions off of.

D3.js - Data-Driven Documents. ONLINE CHARTS | create and design your own charts and diagrams online. Visualize your resume in one click. Free Data Visualization Software. Datawrapper. Infographics Resources: Tools, Tutorials and Free Infographic Elements. Toolkits Infographics have become a popular means of displaying information. It is a well known fact that the attention of viewers is attracted and held better through images than text, and people are more likely to digest the information in images.

Road signs were probably among the first infographics; they needed to impart necessary information at a glance, and they have achieved that by using graphics and very large text, and that is the basis of modern infographics, which are becoming available for all trades, services, products and niches. Today we are bringing you a collection of online infographic tools, some tutorials, guides and articles on infographic creation and some beautiful free infographic elements and kits. All in all, you should be able to gather your data and create your masterpiece with the help of these resources. Resources for Creating Infographics Online Infographic Tools Create and share visual ideas online.

Infographics Tutorials, Guides and Articles. | create and share visual ideas online. Créez de jolis graphiques facilement. Créez de jolis graphiques facilement Si vous avez des données et que vous souhaitez les exploiter au travers d'un joli graphique, je vous invite à tester les services suivants... Mes préférés sont les 2 premiers de la liste... le service de Google est très propre et celui d' propose d'excellents design et permet de saisir les données, soit à la main, soit en les important via un fichier Excel pour ensuite les intégrer directement sur votre site (embed).... M'enfin, vous avez l'embarras du choix comme ça :-) Je me suis dit que ça pourrait vous servir.

Si vous en avez d'autres à me conseiller, n'hésitez pas, je les rajouterai à la liste. Source Vous avez aimé cet article ? Actuvisu Blog.