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Programmatic versus Native. Interview: Native Programmatic Talks with Sabine Cummins, VP Client & Agency Partnerships at Choicestream. Sabine Cummins, VP Client & Agency Partnerships at ChoiceStream (, explains how native and programmatic advertising can be merged into a powerful ad product serving publishers and media buyers alike.

Interview: Native Programmatic Talks with Sabine Cummins, VP Client & Agency Partnerships at Choicestream

Adblock Plus is trying to kill intrusive ads and promote acceptable ones. Is there anyone who isn't annoyed by online advertising?

Adblock Plus is trying to kill intrusive ads and promote acceptable ones

Even a little? Lose weight fast? Would you like to meet attractive singles in your area? How about a free bet when you sign up here? These are some of the more pointlessly random things put up for sale on the internet; but what's on offer is not likely the most vexing part – there's also the ads' delivery method. Blinking pop-ups, auto-playing videos and flashy banners are just a few of the more irksome tools in the advertisers' attention-grabbing bag of tricks.

In essence, however, they are the trade-off – users get to use a site for free but it comes at a cost of having to see the accompanying adverts. Most people wouldn't argue that these gaudy accompaniments aren't bothersome – a widely cited Adobe study from 2013 demonstrated that 62% in the UK found them annoying. Enough people have been annoyed to take matters into their own hands.

White Paper: The Comprehensive Guide to Native Advertising. A Vocus eBook Native advertising – the purchasing of sponsored content on social networks and online websites – dominated digital marketing conversations the past year.

White Paper: The Comprehensive Guide to Native Advertising

Market research company BIA/Kelsey estimates that U.S. native ad spending on social sites might have reached $2.36 billion in 2013, or 38.9 percent of total U.S. paid social ad expenditures. How can you effectively work native advertising into your marketing mix? This eBook highlights some techniques brands are using to do just that. It will show you the rich native advertising ecosystem of publishers, vendors, social networks and search engines that help companies create, manage and track content. Finally, we’ll show you the ethical issues to avoid with sponsored content. Le grand flou autour du native advertising sur les médias en ligne. Native Advertising: futur de la publicité digitale ? Native Ads et achat programmatique, la renaissance de la publicité display. Ad exchange : la mort du clic. Native Advertising vs Display Advertising. Évolution, tendances et enjeux de la publicité en ligne. Does native advertising need to establish a universal metric?

There’s no denying that native advertising is big news in digital media.

Does native advertising need to establish a universal metric?

The boundaries continue to be stretched. Brands continue to invest in original digital content ideas; agencies are creating entire content departments to facilitate the growth. Publishers are creating commercial branded content on an unprecedented scale. Native and Programmatic Advertising Can Live Together. We often think of those in the advertising world as masters of simple yet provocative messages.

Native and Programmatic Advertising Can Live Together

But if we look closer, cutting through the clutter of the constant disruptions people experience and then delivering a compelling ad takes a lot of work. Successful ad campaigns can take days if not weeks of thought, iteration and late-night panic. Youtube. Native Advertising: Marketing Flop or Marketing Future? Pop quiz: Can you spot the native advertising on BuzzFeed’s homepage?

Native Advertising: Marketing Flop or Marketing Future?

Which piece of BuzzFeed’s homepage contains native advertising? If you answered “all of it,” you’d be exactly right. The entire front page, seemingly devoted to Instagrammers you should be following, actually is a huge advertisement for Samsung cameras. Surprised? Shocked? Native Advertising: futur de la publicité digitale ? Nielsen_Sharethrough_Jarritos_CPG_Case-Study_NativeAdvertising.pdf. How Native Ad System Is Becoming Brand-Driven 11/12/2014. As the digital advertising industry continues to search for better performing and more engaging formats, many have turned to native advertising.

How Native Ad System Is Becoming Brand-Driven 11/12/2014

Advertisers embrace native because the ads produce results beyond what they have come to expect from banners, and publishers like the format for the same reason. Moreover, consumers have shown a real willingness to engage with these ads, as several recent studies have demonstrated. (From eMarketer: “A study by IPG Media Lab and Sharethrough reveals that consumers view native ads 53 percent more frequently than banner ads.”) Here are five major trends we’re observing today in native: Welcome to the Banner Blindness Research Center. Native advertising has taken off in a big way.

Welcome to the Banner Blindness Research Center

Both advertisers and publishers are desperate to find an end result for banner blindness and native advertising is the pick of the year. Many players in the advertising industry are working on developing various solutions that are more native to the user experience and it seems that 2013 is going to be the Native advertising year. Native advertising is the concept of displaying ads with valuable content within the context of a given article. Native ads usually look less like ads and more like related content, trying to draw the reader in with correlated information. New Study: Advertiser Desire for Both Branding and Performance Drives Growth of Native and Programmatic Advertising. New Research Commissioned by Purch Reveals Prevailing Trends and Obstacles to Native Advertising and Programmatic Buying NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwired - Jun 12, 2014) - Purch, a leading content and commerce company that connects buyers and sellers of technology and SMB products and services, today announced the results of a new commissioned study conducted by Advertiser Perceptions, the leader in research-based advertiser insight for the media industry.

New Study: Advertiser Desire for Both Branding and Performance Drives Growth of Native and Programmatic Advertising

The study examined native advertising and programmatic buying, two of the top trends in the advertising and marketing industry, defining their growth and identifying specific objectives and challenges for each. Native advertising and content marketing are beginning to garner budgets rivaling standard digital display. Per the study, native/sponsored content advertising spending is growing fast and expected to triple from 2013 to 2015. Native Advertising and Programmatic Buying: Predictions for 2014. Loading Native Advertising and Programmatic Buying: Predictions for 2014...

Native Advertising and Programmatic Buying: Predictions for 2014

Based on recent market research, long-term growth for both native and programmatic advertising is clear. But the two categories are still very young. Over the next year, how might the way in which we use them change? Here are a few predictions: Native Advertising. Infographic: How native and programmatic go better together - LinkSmart. Bringing together programmatic real-time bidding and native content is a win-win proposition for content marketers. Programmatic provides an automated relationship between publishers and advertisers, which is traditionally used for banner advertisements. With the rise of native advertising, marketers are looking for new ways to automate this relationship, which is leading them once more to programmatic. Check out this infographic for greater insight into the way these approaches work together: The Hottest Trends in Advertising: Native and Programmatic.

8 Native Advertising Metrics to Look at Other Than CTR - CopyPressed. An article by AdAge said that click-through rate isn’t used by advertisers because it’s particularly meaningful, but rather because it’s very easy to measure. Well, if you plan to take the easy way out in your native ad tactics, by all means rely on your CTR. However, if you want to make sure that your ads are effective and your paid posts are benefiting your brand, then you’re going to want to look at these eight metrics instead. 1. Time on Site. How Publishers and Brands Can Measure the Value of Native Advertising. There’s undoubtedly widespread interest in native advertising among publishers and brands as a new way of reaching audiences with engaging content that brings more value to a reader than traditional ads. According to Shareaholic, 70 percent of people want to learn about products through content rather than through traditional advertising—a statistic that further stresses the importance of quality content to building trust with and educating your audience about your offerings.

As native ads become a more valuable way to reach your customer base, questions about how to best execute and measure these campaigns effectively continue to arise. As of today, native ads are a mystery to most marketers since they’re such new media and are comprised of many different formats for publishers and brands to tackle. Native ads come in many forms, but when it comes to measuring the impact of sponsored content, keep these metrics in mind: Native Advertising, entre révolution publicitaire et éthique. Comment lutter contre le phénomène de banner blindness. Native Programmatic Will Scale When Everyone Loosens Up. “Data-Driven Thinking" is written by members of the media community and contains fresh ideas on the digital revolution in media.

Today’s column is written by Giles Goodwin, co-founder and president of product and technology at Flite. Display advertising had almost been written off when native advertising made its mark against a backdrop of controversy. For scale, programmatic and native advertising is a match made in heaven. -

Content & Native Advertising Platform. Navigating Native. 229 M€ soit + 57 % pour les investissements publicitaires Mobile en … Le Brand Content. Le native advertising en 5 questions. Programmatic & Native: How Content & Data-Driven Marketing Can Co-Exist. Le Native Advertising. Native Advertising - Examples and Research Headquarters. Native Advertising Leaderboard - Powered by Sharethrough. Conférence sur l’achat programmatique - Salon Emarketing 2014. Native Ad Types Proposition: Native Advertising Matrix. Guide-to-Native-Advertising.pdf. Le native advertising : une opportunité de communication pour la marq… L’avènement du native advertising programmé pour 2014 ? Sharethrough-IPG-Infographic-11x17-CMYK_nobleeds.pdf. Nielsen_Sharethrough_Jarritos_CPG_Case-Study_NativeAdvertising.pdf.

18 quotes on programmatic advertising. 6a00d8341cb26653ef019b021102c6970c-pi (PNG Image, 1280 × 1044 pixels) - Scaled (80%) The Key to Native Advertising. Le Native Advertising : la publicité qui respecte l'expérience utilisateur. The State of Native Advertising 2014.pdf. Publicité mobile et native advertising, combo gagnant pour 2014. How Can Native Advertising Become More Like Programmatic LinkSmart 1. Opening Up The Programmatic Native Opportunity To Buyers. Better Understanding Programmatic Native.

Native Advertising and Programmatic Buying: Predictions for 2014 - Mike Kisseberth - Blogs Sales and Marketing. Solve Media Native Advertising. Quand le « Native Advertising » devient programmatique « Programmatique Marketing. Native Advertising et RTB : une stratégie digitale à 360° What You Should Know About Programmatic Buying, and What It Means for Native Ads. EXCLUSIVE: Advertising Expert Talks the Future of RTB, Native Ads - Three Reasons Why Native Advertising Won't Scale For RTB 02/27/2014. When Native Advertising and Programmatic Collide. Here's How Native Ads Will Scale: RTB. Native advertising & RTB : quand les grands esprits se rencontrent.

How the Fusion of Real-Time Bidding, Native and Mobile are Changing Digital Advertising. Stratégies : Le « native », un pavé dans la mare publicitaire. Programmatic Goes Native At Mobile World Congress. How Will Marketers Buy And Sell Media in 2020? Is the future of data-driven advertising on smartphones a ‘native’ one? How Do Native Advertising and Real-Time Bidding Meet? Nouvelle Tendance du Marketing Digital : le Content Marketing. Le portal du Content Marketing. The Top 7 Content Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2014. The Advanced Guide to Content Marketing. Native Advertising and Programmatic Buying: Predictions for 2014 - Mike Kisseberth - Blogs Sales and Marketing.

Programmatic & Native: How Content & Data-Driven Marketing Can Co-Exist. A Guide To Mobile Native Ads. Content Marketing, Native Advertising, and the Limits of Programmatic - ClickZ. CaseStudy_OBE_Sharethrough_Jarritos.pdf. Insights: Going Native: How Marketers Are Reinventing the Online Video Advertising Experience. Panel_trends-for-native-adv.pdf. Eyetracking-whitepaper.pdf. Native Advertising: How to Leverage. Five uncomfortable truths about native advertising. Solve_Media_Native_Advertising.pdf. FULLTEXT01.pdf. Actigroup : Mars 2013 - Native Advertising : le virage Inbound de la publicité online.

Les Native Ads peuvent-elles sauver la pub ? Décryptage d’un phénomène en 20 chiffres clés. Qu'est-ce que le native advertising? Julien Verdier : "Le native advertising bientôt en RTB" Le "native advertising", nouvelle arme publicitaire - Pub - Bizz - Native ads, le futur de la publicité ? » Index Web Marketing. IAB-Native-Advertising-Playbook2.pdf. Driving Business Objectives With Content: 5 Simple Strategies For Monetizing Your Content - The Advanced Guide to Content Marketing. Wp-content/uploads/2014/01/ContentDiscovery_NativeAdvertisingTools.pdf.