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Blackwater Snags $120 Million Contract In Afghanistan. Whether or not Erik Prince is fleeing America for the United Arab Emirates, his military contracting company continues to thrive on lucrative government contracts.

Blackwater Snags $120 Million Contract In Afghanistan

The latest: the Obama Administration has awarded Xe, formerly known as Blackwater, with a $120 million contract to provide security for U.S. consulates in Afghanistan. US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation : How Much Military Ai. Rethink Afghanistan War - The Longest War. “Israel” Rejects International Investigation but Cannot Hide its.

Fighting talk: The new propaganda - Robert Fisk, Commentators - Home. Articles & Essays. The Future of Europe: An Interview with George Soros George Soros and Gregor Peter Schmitz | New York Review of Books | March 21, 2014.

Articles & Essays

Beck smears Obama, Soros with conspiracy theory full of falsehoo. Beck lays out conspiracy theory riddled with falsehoods and absurdities Beck: Drilling moratorium intended to help Soros get rich while the American people are "getting screwed. " During his Fox News show, Beck questioned whether Soros "knew that the administration would be making a $2 billion preliminary commitment" to Brazilian oil company Petrobras "just days after he strengthened his investment.

Isn't that weird? " Beck further said that "in a completely unrelated story, BP has the oil spill," later saying, "Then Obama suspends the deepwater drilling at 1,500 meters. Hate Map. Profiles of Right Wing Organizations. Right Wing organizations come in all shapes and sizes, from think tanks to legal groups, local and national lobbying organizations, foundations and media forums.

Profiles of Right Wing Organizations

At any given moment, the Right is at work in our public school systems, courthouses, in Congress and state assemblies. At the same time, right-wing groups are reaching huge audiences through media outlets they own or influence — promoting regressive policies that seek to drive wedges between and among Americans. These often single-issue groups have the ability to create multi-issue networks that can respond on a wide range of issues. People For the American Way Foundation's library has files on over 800 groups and almost 300 individuals documenting their activities and providing information about their efforts to reshape society.

The Stop Domestic Terror Campaign. As Gulf Oil Spreads, So Do Slippery Conspiracy Theories. Borowitz Report. Our privacy promise The New Yorker's Strongbox is designed to let you communicate with our writers and editors with greater anonymity and security than afforded by conventional e-mail.

Borowitz Report

When you visit or use our public Strongbox server at The New Yorker and our parent company, Condé Nast, will not record your I.P. address or information about your browser, computer, or operating system, nor will we embed third-party content or deliver cookies to your browser. Strongbox servers are under the physical control of The New Yorker and Condé Nast.

Rasmussen Reports™: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Data A. 72% of GOP Voters Say Republicans In Congress Out of Touch With. Republicans' Midterm Voting Enthusiasm Tops Prior Years. PRINCETON, NJ -- An average of 59% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents have said they are more enthusiastic than usual about voting this year compared with past elections, the highest average Gallup has found in a midterm election year for either party since the question was first asked in 1994.

Republicans' Midterm Voting Enthusiasm Tops Prior Years

The prior high for a party group was 50% more enthusiastic for Democrats in 2006, which is the only one of the last five midterm election years in which Democrats have had an enthusiasm advantage. In that election, Democrats won back control of the U.S. House of Representatives for the first time since 1994. The current average is based on four measures of this enthusiasm question since February, including the recent June 11-13 USA Today/Gallup poll. What happens to our democratic institutions when everyone's too. Editorial - A Bruise on the First Amendment.

The Nervous Breakdown. If I were to walk into a bar around here, I would likely be the Most Famous Person in the place. That’s not saying too much, of course, and since I don’t drink, I haven’t tested it. And also, I suspect that Harley ownership, tooth loss and/or neck tattoos may be required in order to gain entry into any bar in my town, so they wouldn’t let me in. Kaiser Permanente Named the First Health and Hospital System to. June 7, 2010 Kaiser Permanente revised its Patients’ Bill of Rights to fully protect lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender patients as well as their families from discrimination OAKLAND, Calif. — Kaiser Permanente is the first health and hospital system to earn a perfect 100 percent rating on the Healthcare Equality Index . The HEI is an annual survey administered by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation and Gay and Lesbian Medical Association .

Kaiser Permanente Patients’ Bill of Rights for the 36 Hospitals in California, Oregon and Hawaii: • In English • En el Español Note: Does not include the 431 Kaiser Permanente medical office buildings in those and other regions Kaiser Permanente’s Patients’ Bill of Rights fully protects lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender patients and their families from discrimination. Tesla Motors - High performance electric vehicles. Available now. Royal Cup Coffee. Installed Widgets. Alexandria On The Potomac. Richard Schickel: The Hack: Reflections on a Nazi-Era Filmmaker.