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Quartier Vauban de Fribourg-en-Brisgau

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Quartier Vauban de Fribourg-en-Brisgau. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le quartier Vauban est un écoquartier de la ville de Fribourg-en-Brisgau, en Allemagne. Historique du site[modifier | modifier le code] Situé au sud du centre-ville, ce terrain accueillait une caserne construite en 1936 et occupée après la Seconde Guerre mondiale par les forces françaises stationnées en Allemagne (FFSA). En août 1992, les militaires libèrent cet espace, posant de fait la question de son avenir. Réaménagement et reconversion[modifier | modifier le code] Douze anciennes casernes ont été conservées et rénovées, occupant un terrain d'une superficie de 4 hectares. Les 34 hectares restants sont restructurés et consacrés à la création de 2000 logements et de 600 emplois, dont la plupart sont regroupés sur 6 hectares destinés aux activités industrielles et artisanales. Transport et place de l'automobile[modifier | modifier le code] Vie citoyenne[modifier | modifier le code] Données[modifier | modifier le code] Zone de circulation calme.

This Amazing Solar City Produces 4 Times the Energy it Consumes. Although net-zero projects have been creating a lot of buzz lately in the field of green building, the Sonnenschiff solar city in Freiburg, Germany is very much net positive. The self-sustaining city accomplishes this feat through smart solar design and lots and lots of photovoltaic panels pointed in the right direction. It seems like a simple strategy — but designers often incorporate solar installations as an afterthought, or worse, as a label. The Solar Settlement in Freiburg Schlierberg is the answer to three questions. What is ecological, solar and energy technically feasible? What is aesthetically pleasing and desirable in urban development? The project started out as a vision for an entire community — the medium-density project balances size, accessibility, green space, and solar exposure.

Credits: See more pictures, videos, and get more information at P2P Foundation »Blog Archive» Solar développement résidentiel en Allemagne produit 4 fois plus d'énergie qu'il n'en consomme. Solar residential development in Germany produces 4 times more energy than it uses Sepp Hasslberger 2nd March 2014 Sonnenschiff (or ‘the solar ship’) started out as a mixed commercial/residential building designed by Rolf Disch and built in 2004, according to Wikipedia “Sonnenschiff” Since then, other residential buildings have been added, making a whole little community that is energy independent, but not only. It produces energy from solar panels on the south-facing roofs and it saves so much energy by smart design and rigorous building standards that much of the electricity is left over and can be sold to the utility.

According to Inhabitat, the solar city Produces 4X the Energy it Consumes This has been active and working for some years now, so the question comes to mind: Why has this system not been more widely adopted and copied around the world? 03 Stadtbau: Solar on social housing. Endbericht_Bilanz_Region_FR_FINAL - Endbericht_Bilanz_Region_FR_FINAL.pdf.