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Mind mapping / carte heuristique

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10 ressources pour apprendre et progresser en Mindmapping. Bonjour à tous, Après une bonne semaine de blackout, je continue sur la thématique du mindmapping, sur laquelle j’ai récemment écrit les deux billets suivants : Voici donc une sélection de 10 ressources intéressantes pour qui veut apprendre, progresser et se maintenir au courant de l’actualité du mindmapping. J’ai essayé de varier les sources pour vous faire découvrir des blogs ou des sites intéressants. Bonne lecture et à bientôt, Vincent 1) Cartes mentales (revue de presse Excellente revue de presse sur l’actualités et les articles sur le mindmapping 2) Slatebox. 3) Pourquoi le Mindmapping est-il si efficace pour étudier ? 4) 8 outils de mind-mapping Image via Wikipedia 5) Dessinez vos idées 6) Comment le mind mapping peut stimuler le cerveau de vos enfants 7) Organisez vos notes avec le Mind Mapping 9) Slatebox. Carte heuristique. Nouvelles formes de diffusion des savoirs. Freeplane. Mindomo. 30 outils de Mindmap. We all need to organize our thoughts sometimes, and there seems to be no better way to do it than in a visual fashion. We've got 30+ mind mapping tools to help you do just that. And since we know some of you are on a budget, we've got free and paid suggestions for you. Don’t forget to check out our post where you can suggest future toolbox topics! (This list, for example, came from one of the suggestions.) Free - A flash based brainstorming tool that you can share with others and also embed in to your site. - A desktop-only app that runs on Windows XP or Vista. CmapTools - Free to universities, students, federal employees, and individuals for personal use. - A free mind mapping and brainstorming tool from the Open University. - A bit of a different mapper in that it focuses on mapping out debates, whether they be political or business. - Draw & share all sorts of diagrams and mind maps. - Free for personal use. 24 Essential Mind Mapping and Brainstorming Tools.

Mind mapping is the process of using visual diagrams to show the relationships between ideas or information. Its popular uses include project planning, collecting and organizing thoughts, brainstorming and presentations — all in order to help solve problems, map out resources and uncover new ideas. It can be more useful than trying to keep track of our ideas by scribbling them on paper, and can aid in manipulating and generating concepts. We've compiled a list of 24 mind mapping tools to help you organize, summarize and visualize information, with both free and paid versions available to suit any budget or requirement. The tools mentioned are either browser- or desktop-based, with a selection of mind mapping mobile apps at the end of the article for use on iOS and Android devices.

Is there a particular mind mapping tool you would recommend? If so, please share a link with our readers in the comments below. 1. 2. iMindMap 3. 4. Price: Accounts range from free up to $79 per year. 5. 6. 7. 8. Mindmeister - carte heuristique/organigramme. Xmind. Création de cartes heuristiques. Mind mapping. Mind Mapping.