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Facebook Twitter, stratégies digitales et exploration d'Internet. Fred le chevalier. Travaux « Beauty-Idea. 2. Projects. Projects Watching the evolution of Darwin's On the Origin of Species. A compilation of 26 million segments of road. Sketches for an illustration of the Enron email data set. Sequences of human DNA aligned with about a dozen other mammals, created as an illustration for Seed Magazine. Masthead image created for William Safire's On Language column in the New York Times Magazine.

An updated version of disarticulate, created for the 2006 Cooper-Hewitt Design Triennial to be shown alongside Processing. Illustration for New York Magazine's “High Priority” feature in April, 2006. Cover for the journal Nature, announcing the completion of the first phase of the HapMap project. An illustration of how the gene FOXP2, believed to be connected to language acquisition, differs in humans versus chimps. A look at how code and graphics comingle in Atari 2600 game cartridges. Uses a similar method to dismap to visually interpret Casey Reas' articulate piece. Ph.D. Masters Projects An antagonistic painting tool. Jean Francois Rauzier Hyperphoto. Mark Bradford. Christophe Charbonnel - Sculpteur. Julien Spianti . Work on paper, paintings, videos. The art of Mark Maggiori, french multidisciplinary artist. JEAN-MICHEL CLAJOT | PHOTOGRAPHER. J.D. Doria Art | Home.
