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Stitches and techniques

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‪Knitting Straight On A Circular Needle. Knitting With Circular Needles. Circular needles are a lot of fun to work with. They allow you to make bags and sweaters without seams, as well as other fun projects. But most patterns assume that people know how to work with circular needles, which can be intimidating for people who don't. What Are Circular Needles? Circular knitting needles can be made of most of the materials that straight knitting needles are made of: bamboo, metal, plastic and resin are the most popular materials. Two hard tips are joined by a flexible cord that holds most of the stitches. Circular needles can be bought in a fixed format, meaning the needles are permanently fixed to the cord, or they can be purchased as part of an interchangeable system, where the tips can be taken off the cord and exchanged for larger or smaller needles.

Circular needles can commonly be found in US sizes 3 to 15. Getting Started with Circular Needles The process of casting on is the same with circular needles as it is with straight needles. Lace Knitting Stitches. Knit Trim: Garter Stitch Loops. How To Cable Without A Cable Needle. November 7th, 2011 by Jess Now that you’ve learned to use a cable needle, what do you do if you want to start a cabled project and don’t have a cable needle on hand? Don’t fret; you can cross your stitches without using a separate needle!

Here’s how to do it. Now, a few notes on this technique. Cabling without a cable needle works best on smaller cables. Double Knitting - Knitting Community. Double knitting is the exception to many knitting rules. You can double knit a stockinette scarf, and it will lay flat instead of curling. Color knitting will be reversible, showing a negative of the image on the back of the work instead of floats. How is this possible? Double knitting produces a fabric with the right sides showing on both sides of the work. This technique is fun to do and produces a thick fabric that is ideal for winter accessories, hot pads, and there are even patterns for double knit sweaters!

Cast on Cast on with double the number of stitches The cabled cast on is great for double knitting because it creates a flexible edge. Cast on with yarn held double You could also use the cast on of your choice, but with the yarn held double. How to Double Knit Single color double knitting instructions Double knitting with one color in the front and one color in the back Bring both yarns to the front and purl the next stitch with only the contrast color. Knitting Stitch Patterns.