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Politics Economics Readings I

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What the California wildfires should teach us. “Bloodiest thing the world has seen”: David Cay Johnston on inequality’s looming disaster. Long before anyone knew the name Thomas Piketty, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David Cay Johnston was plumbing the hidden depths of the American tax code, revealing the myriad ways it privileges the interests of corporations and the wealthy ahead of those of the 99 percent.

“Bloodiest thing the world has seen”: David Cay Johnston on inequality’s looming disaster

Indeed, while it may sometimes feel as if economic inequality is the new trend, Johnston’s career reminds us that the great gulf that separates the rich from the rest in the contemporary United States didn’t happen overnight, but over a course of decades. Interview with China’s ’21st Century Business Herld’ Just interviewed by Chinese business daily 21st Century Business Herald (21世纪经济报道|).

Interview with China’s ’21st Century Business Herld’

Here is the Q&A, in English of course… 1. May I take the liberty to ask why you moved from Greece to the United States? Momentous decisions never have a single cause. Mapping a New Economy. By Scott Carlson David Harvey would implore you to imagine life without capitalism—that is, if you can.

Mapping a New Economy

Chances are, even if you’re puzzled by the manipulation of phantom money on Wall Street, troubled by society’s growing inequality, or disgusted with the platinum parachutes of corporate executives, you probably still conceive the world in terms of profits, private property, and free markets, the invisible hand always on the tiller. To Harvey, a professor of anthropology and geography at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, that world is coming to an end. Inside The Fast Food Workers' Strike In Georgia. By Rebecca Leber "Inside The Fast Food Workers’ Strike In Georgia" Outside an Atlanta Burger King on May 15.

Inside The Fast Food Workers' Strike In Georgia

CREDIT: Rebecca Leber ATLANTA, GEORGIA — “We can’t survive on $7.25!” Noam Chomsky: America is a terrified country. Free Speech Radio News producer Catherine Komp interviews Noam Chomsky. Noam Chomsky is amongst the world’s most cited living scholars. Is Bitcoin the Future of Money. Libertarians and leftists alike predict a world of competing digital currencies.

Is Bitcoin the Future of Money

What’s being touted in some circles as the future of money looks hardly more peaceful than its past. Bitcoin, a formerly obscure cyber-currency, is now all over the headlines with reports of bankruptcies, thefts and FBI lockdowns. If our fate is to buy and sell in bitcoins, this instability is troubling. But despite the headlines, the triumph of Bitcoin and related cyber-currencies is a lot less likely than recent commentary would suggest. Marxists Internet Archive. Dialogue: Eleven (so Far) Worthwhile Reviews of and Reflections on Thomas Piketty’s “Capital in the Twenty-First Century”: Wednesday Focus: March 26, 2014.

The Koch brothers are dead wrong: Half of America is living in or near poverty. This article originally appeared on AlterNet.

The Koch brothers are dead wrong: Half of America is living in or near poverty

The Charles Koch Foundation recently released a commercial that ranked a near-poverty-level $34,000 family among the Top 1% of poor people in the world. Bud Konheim, CEO and co-founder of fashion company Nicole Miller, concurred: “The guy that’s making, oh my God, he’s making $35,000 a year, why don’t we try that out in India or some countries we can’t even name. China, anyplace, the guy is wealthy.” Comments like these are condescending and self-righteous. They display an ignorance of the needs of lower-income and middle-income families in America.

Hope in the Age of Looming Authoritarianism. I can understand pessimism, but I don’t believe in it.

Hope in the Age of Looming Authoritarianism

It’s not simply a matter of faith, but of historical evidence. Not overwhelming evidence, just enough to give hope, because for hope we don’t need certainty, only possibility. Howard Zinn. Why the Justice Department Inspector General Report on Mortgage Fraud Matters. By David Dayen, a lapsed blogger, now a freelance writer based in Los Angeles, CA.

Why the Justice Department Inspector General Report on Mortgage Fraud Matters

Follow him on Twitter @ddayen Hello, folks! As Yves is off explaining the world to Washington, I’m manning the controls for a couple days. This allows me to ensure that NC has that whole Justice Department IG report on mortgage fraud covered. Comcast spreads cash wide on Capitol Hill - Tony Romm. There’s little that tends to unite a leading liberal like Dick Durbin and a conservative firebrand like Ted Cruz.

Comcast spreads cash wide on Capitol Hill - Tony Romm

But when the two senators join their colleagues for a hearing this month on Comcast’s $45 billion bid for Time Warner Cable, many of them will have something in common — they’ve each collected Comcast cash. Continue Reading. American finance grew on the back of slaves. BY Edward E.

American finance grew on the back of slaves

Baptist and Louis Hyman March 7, 2014 12:32AM Last weekend we watched the Oscars and, like most people, were pleased that “Twelve Years a Slave” won Best Picture. No previous film has so accurately captured the reality of enslaved people’s lives. Yet though Twelve Years shows us the labor of slavery, it omits the financial system — asset securitization — that made slavery possible. Bernanke’s $250,000 fee for speech puts him near top of food chain - Capitol Report. Getty Images Ben Bernanke Former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s reported $250,000 for a speech in Abu Dhabi on Tuesday puts him in rarefied air of public speakers, experts said.

With one speech, Bernanke exceeded his $199,700 annual salary as Fed chairman in 2013. Former President Bill Clinton is said to receive more for a speech. Hillary Clinton is close, pulling down a reported $200,000 for each appearance. IMF study finds inequality is damaging to economic growth. The International Monetary Fund has backed economists who argue that inequality is a drag on growth in a discussion paper that has also dismissed rightwing theories that efforts to redistribute incomes are self-defeating.

The Washington-based organisation, which advises governments on sustainable growth, said countries with high levels of inequality suffered lower growth than nations that distributed incomes more evenly. Searching for the Union.pdf. The subprime education crisis. The NY Federal Reserve’s Household Debt & Credit Report shows that student debt is rising fast and is now at an all-time high: Household Debt and Credit Developments as of Q4 2013: That’s a good thing, isn’t it? It shows that lots of young people are signing up for college instead of sitting around at home doing nothing or doing dead-end jobs.

Will China shake the world again? 17 February 2014Last updated at 05:24 ET China's exceptional growth has been fuelled by massive debt and government subsidies as Robert Peston reports from Wuhan. Bibi has turned me into an 'anti-Semite' - OpinionIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source. Decolonizing solidarity. Any National "Conversation About Race" Must Include Black Radical Tradition. This Week's Top Picks in Imperial & Global History. Marc-William PalenLecturer in Imperial History, University of Exeter Cross-posted from the Imperial & Global Forum. 513.Soulbook.Soulbook3.Fall.1965.pdf. (99+) Swaziland Solidarity Network Forum.

Dr Huey P Newton, Speech at Boston College, 18 November 1970. Snowden Was Justified. Bio John Donvan John Donvan is a correspondent for ABC News Nightline. He has served as ABC White House Correspondent, along with postings in Moscow, London, Jerusalem and Amman. Daniel Ellsberg. International trade. James Baldwin and Dick Gregory: "Baldwin's Nigger" (1969) The Three Reasons Why Americans AREN'T Rising Up in Open Revolt (Robert Reich) Legalizing Oppression - Chris Hedges. Legalizing Oppression Posted on Feb 9, 2014.

List of school shootings in the United States. State_of_counter_power.pdf. Dark cloud over good works of Gates Foundation. Ebocha, Nigeria — Justice Eta, 14 months old, held out his tiny thumb. An ink spot certified that he had been immunized against polio and measles, thanks to a vaccination drive supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Chief Seattle's Speech of 1854 - Version 1. Version 1 (below) appeared in the Seattle Sunday Star on Oct. 29, 1887, in a column by Dr. AAAH. Angela Y Davis - 150 Years Later: Abolition in the 21st Century. Mondragón and the System Problem. Huck and Jim vs. Herzl and Morris: Mark Twain on Zionism and the first aliyah. NSA Hacking Tactics Revealed By Der Spiegel. David Simon: 'There are now two Americas. My country is a horror show' Growth is being driven by consumer credit and household debt, despite the need for exports and manufacturing.

How a Bill Becomes Law - Updated. Chris Hedges and Robert Scheer Discuss American Fascism. The Village Against the World by Dan Hancox – review. Scorned or Celebrated, ‘Breadwinner Moms’ Are Misrepresented. Who controls the world? More resources for understanding. The Radical Christian Right and the War on Government - Chris Hedges.

Dean Baker. There Is No Nobel Prize in Economics. David Simon: 'There are now two Americas. My country is a horror show' Slaves of the Internet, Unite! Which Side of the Barricade Are You On? - Doug Sosnik - POLITICO Magazine. The American Police State - The Chronicle Review. Quinoa should be taking over the world. This is why it isn’t. No saviour in sight as world credit cycle rolls over. The overall critique of the education is its... 26 Amazing Facts About Finland's Unorthodox Education System. Making Unions Matter Again. Fast Food Crime Wave. Fast Food Workers Striking in Seattle. Nadezhda Tolokonnikova of Pussy Riot's prison letters to Slavoj Žižek.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Infographics Details. Herrin massacre. Secularizing the Tech Debate. Jeremy Scahill. What Does Media Consolidation Look Like? Joachim Jachnow: What’s Become of the German Greens? Rob Johnson on the economists’ collective guilt. Portugal Drug Policy: Decriminalization Works. Angela Davis Looks Back at the 16th Street Church Bombings 50 Years Ago. Sequester cuts hit Monrovia Head Start program, others soon to follow. The Suicide Detective. Slaves of the Internet, Unite!

The rise of the reader: journalism in the age of the open web. Oregon PERS: Private equity investments pose an unclear future for public pensions. In Conversation with Adam Curtis, Part I. Generation X Hit Hardest By Recession. Robert Scheer: Congress Still Puts Out for Wall Street - Robert Scheer's Columns. Joblessness Shortens Lifespan of Least Educated White Women, Research Says. Insane Levels of Inequality – Which Hurt the Economy – Are Skyrocketing. Washington's Blog. Billions In Farm Subsidies Underwrite Junk Food, Study Finds. Profiting from the Poor: Outsourcing Social Services Puts Most Vulnerable at Risk. Billions In Tax Dollars Subsidize The Junk Food Industry. Inequality Rising — All Thanks To Government Policies. The Sequester: Cuts And Consequences.

EHpGa.jpg (JPEG Image, 1542 × 2056 pixels) - Scaled (32. The men who set themselves on fire - Opinion. Inside the Investigation of Leading Republican Money Man Sheldon Adelson. Horizontalism and Territory. FUCK THE SYSTEM – Indymedia Roma. Sound, fury, cliché! Lazy pundits “double down” on “game-changing” “narratives” The Network of Global Corporate Control. Why the American Empire Was Destined to Collapse. Can you be too leftwing? Franklin: The American Prison in the Culture Wars. Adam Curtis Blog: DREAM ON.