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Six marketing lessons from Red Bull Stratos. It was a greater feat than any 30-second spot has ever achieved: skydiver Felix Baumgartner dropped from near-space (23 miles high) back to the Earth’s surface.

Six marketing lessons from Red Bull Stratos

It was an astonishing display of the value of human endurance, of adventure, investment and commitment. The fact that this mission to the edge of space was, in fact, funded and created by a brand is, quite simply, remarkable. Having achieved 8m concurrent views of the spectacle on YouTube, there is no arguing that Red Bull’s Stratos project was an astonishing leap forward in marketing, but it also delivered something far bigger than eyeballs.

Which Emotions Lead To Higher Levels Of Participation? In political psychology, it's known anger is the strongest emotion for increasing participation.

Which Emotions Lead To Higher Levels Of Participation?

If you can make your audience mad about something, levels of participation increase. The problem is you can't control anger. File:Plutchik-wheel.svg. Cancel Edit Delete Preview revert Text of the note (may include Wiki markup) Could not save your note (edit conflict or other problem).


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