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GOOGLE+. Peut-on se réjouir de la fin de l’anonymat ?


Your name and Google Profiles : Unbrowseable Answers - Google+ Help. Google+ makes connecting with people on the web more like connecting with people in the real world. It's recommended that you go by your first and last name because it will help you connect with people you know and help them find you. Google+ profiles are for individuals so if you want to use Google+ to represent something else like your business, your band, your family, or your pet, create a Google+ page instead. As you create your Google+ profile, please keep the following guidelines in mind: First and last name required: You need to provide both your first and last name for your Google+ profile so it’ll help you find people and enable people to find you.

Using only one name is not permitted. You can use an initial for one of the names, but not both. For example, “J. Change your Google+ profile name Open Google+. Note: You can change your profile name up to 3 times in two years. Go to my profile Go to my profile Tip drop-down arrow > Report / block. Normal - Here's the post from the Google employee encouraging peo.

On réagit !

Google+ n'acceptera pas les pseudonymes. Pas de pseudo dans Google+ ! Google+ faces thorny online identity issues | Deep Tech. Google, trying to take a stand with its new social network, requires people to use real-world names on Google+. The real world, though, turns out to be more complex than a simple rule can accommodate. Now two weeks old and growing like a weed , Google+ is facing issues that became common once the Internet made people's identity into information that can reach potentially anyone on the planet. With Google+ and the Google Profiles service on which it relies, the company is trying to build a service without pseudonyms, anonymous cowards, or impersonation. "Google Profiles is a product that works best in the identified state. Most people are known by the name that appears on their driver's license or school registry and probably won't think twice about using that when joining a social network.

But there are acres of gray area, too. Here's one identity issue that's cropped up already: People's online names, while not on their birth certificates, often are a real persona--reputation and all. Google plus: qu'en pensez-vous ? Post by Rowan Thunder. Google plus: un vrai nom et un compte public sinon rien. Google. Je maintiens pour le vote, il est secret et pas anonyme et c'est une logique de la démocratie représentative mais pas participative. Merci d'avoir des termes précis. :-) Avertissement, je ne suis pas un Geek, mon intérêt avec l'Internet et l'informatique ne date pas de 2000/2004 avec l'arrivée en masse des blogs et de la "beautification" des produits Apple.Je suis plutôt un nerd, un unixien, un libertarien, doublé d'un écrivain et d'un grand lecteur.On ne me fera pas prendre la cyberdémocratie d'opérette des blogs, ni de l'activisme anonyme surTwitter "Sarko tout pourri" comme de grandes avancées pour la liberté, ni Lulzsec, ni les Anonymes, autres conneries du genre qui me font penser aux AG pauvres en contenus intellectuels mais hautes en contenus idéologiques de mon passage à l'université.

Je cois qu'il y a confusion sur les termes.Etre militant c'est se manifester pour des causes, une idéologie partisane.