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Piface's Space - IO board to interface Raspberry Pi to the world!

Expand pins - MCP3008 MCP23017

Dr. Monk's DIY Electronics Blog: Review of Raspberry Pi Prototyping Boards. We were all planning what we could do to hack some electronics with our Raspberry Pi's even before they arrived, and a little help in accessing and using those pins on the GPIO connector makes life a bit easier.

Dr. Monk's DIY Electronics Blog: Review of Raspberry Pi Prototyping Boards

In this review, I look at the relative merits of three prototyping boards for the Rasspberry Pi. I use the term 'Prototyping' to distinguish them from expansion boards like the Gertboard and Pi Face that have buffers, level converters LEDs and other electronics attached to them. What I am talking about here is the Raspberry Pi equivalents to the Arduino ProtoShield. I.e. something that we can solder our own electronics to, in order to make something. The products that I am reviewing are: Raspberry Pi plus Hitachi HD44780-compatible LCD using GPIO.