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Get traffic and sales from LinkedIn. LinkedIn Marketing. MxHero - email better. Adjective Power. Compelling, emotion-rich adjectives can give bland copy a major boost in effectiveness. (Just like the start of that sentence!) I was reminded of this while viewing a Panera menu. Which do you think sounds more appealing: Ham, egg, & cheese on wheat bread sandwich. or, Our Breakfast Power Sandwich starts with lean, hardwood-smoked ham and a freshly cracked egg.

Take a look at the adjectives that turn an average sandwich into a mouth-watering, tantalizing sales magnet: Our Breakfast Power Sandwich starts with lean, hardwood-smoked ham and a freshly cracked egg. If people aren’t lining up to buy this sandwich, it’s not the copy writer’s fault. In Neuro-Menus and Restaurant Psychology, I mention adjectives as a key element of menu psychology. Adjectives Boost Sales Properly used adjectives actually DO increase revenue: Other research by Dr. Beyond Food Adjectives I’d guess these adjectives are processed unconsciously most of the time. Striking a balance. Reddit-chart-illusion-choice.png (960×568) 29 Ways to Collect Email Addresses for Your Business. Looking for ways to grow your list of newsletter subscribers? There are a ton of ways to get people to sign up for your weekly or monthly email marketing campaigns.

I’ve put together a list for you to read, so you have heaps of options for growing your list. Include a link to your newsletter sign up form in the main navigation bar of your website and/or blog. (Or better yet, include a sign up form in the main navigation bar).Create a “sign up” call to action on your Facebook business page.Create enticing visuals encouraging people to sign up for your list, and post them on social media channels (especially Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn).Attend or exhibit at a trade show or networking event and bring a newsletter email sign up clipboard or book. If you’re tech savvy, bring an iPad or mobile device with you. Bonus: Optimize your site for appropriate SEO keywords, and ensure your business is on appropriate online listings. Have any additional ideas? © 2016, Janine Popick. The Noob Guide to Online Marketing – A beginners guide to internet marketing [INFOGRAPHIC]