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Guy Denning’s Portraits of Occupy Wall Street Protestors. Occupy Wall Street and its affiliated demonstrations may, by now, be the most photographed protest movement in the world. But, as ever, when we’re flooded with images, it’s difficult to devoted our full attention to both the hopeful (activists working together and helping each other) and the frightening ones (police beating activists).

That makes art like Guy Denning‘s sketches of the Occupy movement all the more valuable. By picking out individual faces — pepper spray-happy NYPD officer Antony Bologna, Anonymous members in Guy Fawkes masks, a young woman who might be injured wrapping her arms around a man — and separating them from any background or crowd, the British artist creates distinctly humanist portraits of the 99 percent.

That Denning often chooses to use newsprint as his canvas is a subtle reminder of his work’s relationship with the news cycle. Guy Denning, Occupy Wall Street (Bologna’s enthusiasm), 2011, conte and chalk on newsprint, 44 x 28 cm [Spotted via Colossal]

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@AnonymousPress @The99Percenters 1 difference between the #99. LIVE PIC: A common criticism of #OWS is the lack of concrete ideas. This young woman's sign rebuts that.. #99Percent. Share photos and videos on Twitter. Occupy Madrid Puerta del Sol 10/15/2011. La Puerta del Sol llena por la protesta del 15O. Puerta Del Sol Occupation General Assembly Skype with Barcelona after police attack.

Thousands of protesters occupy Puerta del Sol square in Madrid.