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BIODYNAMIC AGRICULTURE interviews for the film 'The Challenge of Rudolf Steiner' Controlling Garden Insects With Birds. I’m recalling one of the great sights of spring gardening this cold February night: working the soil for the first time and having birds descend to pick out the slow moving grubs that had been hiding under the earth.

Controlling Garden Insects With Birds

Sure, the birds got a valuable earthworm or two, but not so many that it would dent the population. Those worms began to tunnel back almost as soon as daylight hit them. And many were still buried deep — very deep — where my turning fork couldn’t yet reach them. But those grubs, twisting and turning on top of the freshly spaded clods. They made for easy pickings. Of course, that got me thinking about watching birds work the garden in the summer, feasting on insects, caterpillars, and whatever else they can find. Maceratul de urzica - ingrasamant natural pentru plante. Detalii Categorie: Gradina de langa casa Maceratul de urzica se realiza din toata planta, mai putin radacina.

Maceratul de urzica - ingrasamant natural pentru plante

Intr-un butoi de 50 de litri punem 5 kilograme de plante proaspete de urzica (fara radacina) peste care turnam 5 galeti de apa. Dupa ce plantele de urzica au stat la macerat, strecuram solutia prin tifon. Composting Problems. Got some trouble in the pile?

Composting Problems

We’ve got answers to many of your composting problems. Q: Help! I’ve created a stinky monster. Where have I gone wrong? A: If your compost pile is smelly chances are it has an overabundance of anaerobic microbes. Aerating the compost pile puts a check on the anaerobic microbes while encouraging the less smelly aerobic microorganisms to grow and prosper. Q: I’ve noticed that my compost is damp and warm only in the center of the pile. A: When it comes to composting, size does matter! The ideal compost pile size should be in the range of 3′ x 3′ x 3′ to 5′ x 5′ x 5′. Q: Recently, while aerating my compost I noticed that the center of the pile was dry. Calculation of sun’s position in the sky for each location on the earth at any time of day [en] Home > Solar tools > Sun Position Back to top Content | Data + Map | Chart Polar | Chart Cartesian | Table | Annual sun path | Annual sun path Set the data as you want and click on email image to get the file in attach.The excel file contain the sun path for one year, with step (5,10,15,20,30,60 min), for the moment limited because is too heavy for the server.

Calculation of sun’s position in the sky for each location on the earth at any time of day [en]

Ierburi Uitate. PĂPĂLẮU s.m.

Ierburi Uitate

Physalis alkekengi. Plantă erbacee perenă din genul Physalis, familia Solanaceae, rudă îndepărtată cu vinetele, roșiile sau vânăta-africană. Poate crește până la 60 cm, sau chiar mai înaltă în condiții prielnice. Are frunze mari, cu formă romboidală, cu marginile ușor ondulate și vârf ascuțit, de altfel tipice pentru această familie de specii de plante. Frunzele, tulpina și florile sunt acoperite cu perișori foarte fini. Păpălăul este o plantă care apare în mod recurent în flora spontană din zonele cu climă temperată și are o istorie străveche, încât o arie precisă de origine este dificil de stabilit, dar cu siguranță el aparține Lumii Vechi (specii similare din genul Physalis se găsesc pe continentele americane, însă există clare diferențe de morfologie și caracteristici).

Dar, în ciuda numelui cu trimiteri asiatice, păpălăul a fost prezent și cunoscut de populațiile care au locuit în spațiul carpato-dunărean din timpuri imemoriale. How to Grow a Moringa Tree (with pictures) Add New Question Is it a medicine tree?

How to Grow a Moringa Tree (with pictures)

WikiHow Contributor Yes. The leaves of the Moringa tree have been used medicinally for centuries. Micro Forest Garden – installation. Following on from designing a microforest garden recently, it was time to realise the design!

Micro Forest Garden – installation

Harris led the charge, helped by forest garden interns Minoru and Kelly, as well as all the students of the forest garden design course. This micro forest garden was to be established on a very compacted piece of ground that had formerly been a road. Yikes. As with many plantings on this crazy patch of land of ours (read: everywhere except the creekflat), it was time to get out the crowbar to dig the holes… but it all turned out splendidly! Conceptual group design for the microforest garden, done during the course by students The final design. The site, shortly after it ceased being a road in Spring 2011… A year later, during the microforest garden install… Paths and beds in, it’s time for the plantathon The particular parameters of this site include that, in a heavy rain event, there is a large amount of surface runoff due to the compaction uphill.

But who knows what the future will bring. Potatoes in a Woodrow Style Mandala Bed Permaculture Research Institute. A technique for mounding potatoes in a mandala bed without importing soil, with the benefit of improving fertility and increasing organic matter. by Grahame Eddy I like to mound my potatoes by pushing soil up against the sides of the growing plants eventually creating quite a big mound.

Potatoes in a Woodrow Style Mandala Bed Permaculture Research Institute Church of Deep Ecology.