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Is depression an infectious disease? New Research Discovers That Depression Is An Allergic Reaction To Inflammation. New research is revealing that many cases of depression are caused by an allergic reaction to inflammation.

New Research Discovers That Depression Is An Allergic Reaction To Inflammation

Tim de Chant of NOVA writes: “Inflammation is our immune system’s natural response to injuries, infections, or foreign compounds. When triggered, the body pumps various cells and proteins to the site through the blood stream, including cytokines, a class of proteins that facilitate intercellular communication. New Research Discovers That Depression Is An Allergic Reaction To Inflammation. 14 Inflammation-Fighting Foods. Is depression a kind of allergic reaction? Barely a week goes by without a celebrity “opening up” about their “battle with depression”.

Is depression a kind of allergic reaction?

This, apparently, is a brave thing to do because, despite all efforts to get rid of the stigma around depression, it is still seen as some kind of mental and emotional weakness. But what if was nothing of the sort? From inflammation to sickness and depression: when the immune system subjugates the brain.