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Social Media Articles. Etsy - Your place to buy and sell all things handmade, vintage, and supplies. Reduction Cooled Wood Fired Plate by RademakerPottery. 利休七則. Kandinsky, Wassily. Timeline: Towards Abstraction Black is like the silence of the body after death, the close of life. -- Wassily Kandinsky, 1911 Kandinsky, Wassily, Russian in full VASILY VASILYEVICH KANDINSKY (b.

Kandinsky, Wassily

Dec. 4 [Dec. 16, New Style], 1866, Moscow, Russia--d. Dec. 13, 1944, Neuilly-sur-Seine, Fr.), Russian-born artist, one of the first creators of pure ab straction in modern painting. MUSING ZONE - カンディンスキーと青騎士展. 東京・丸の内の三菱一号館美術館で開催されている「カンディンスキーと青騎士展」に行ってきました。

MUSING ZONE - カンディンスキーと青騎士展

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