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Daragh Treacy


Gb8. Tools for innovation. Decision making. HDR photography with Raspberry Pi and gPhoto2. 44 Flares Twitter 13 Facebook 13 Google+ 9 Pin It Share 1 1 44 Flares × I bought my Nikon D40 in 2006. The D40 is my first and only DSLR camera and I’ve loved using it every day that I’ve had it. At the time, it was Nikon’s entry-level DSLR and it suited my budget and photography skills. Over the last 6 years that I’ve owned the device my photography skills have improved but not my budget 1 . I’d had to make do with the limitations of the D40 — 6 megapixel DX sensor, 200-3200 ISO range, no auto-bracketing — but the lack of auto-bracketing has been the most limiting. I love making high dynamic range (HDR) 2 photographs. I’ve researched various solutions for my problem.

Perform bracketing with an arbitrary number of different exposure values by defining minimum and maximum shutter speed and step. Sofortbild is easy to use and fully functional but … the setup wasn’t only practical in a studio or controlled set. I started researching options to control the brackets using my iPhone. gPhoto2. Google Search 3T.

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Everthing 3D. 40 Fantastic Self-Hosted Business Apps. The cloud is now at the forefront of business computing, and the rise of the SaaS model is driving down the cost of business software.

40 Fantastic Self-Hosted Business Apps

Gone are the days when companies used bulky proprietary software to handle their business. Online business apps are generally easier to set up and they store your data remotely, so can be accessed from anywhere. There are now online business apps for all areas of company management, including CRM, accounting, project management, and help desk. The great thing about cloud apps is that they are tailor-made to cater businesses of any size, and can be scaled very easily. Some of the applications listed below feature freemium subscription model, so you only pay for the features you end up using. We have curated some of the best online business apps out there and grouped them under relevant sub categories.

[Update] This post was originally published on February 24th 2011, under the title “40 Fantastic Self-Hosted Business Apps”. Insightly Trial Availability– Yes. Hack Things Better. Freeware Files - Free Software Downloads. Understanding RC Battery Chargers. RC Battery Chargers are one of the single most important items you need to purchase when getting into electric flight or any electric powered RC vehicle for that matter.

Understanding RC Battery Chargers

They are also one of the most misunderstood items in the hobby and most people just get what the sales person recommends without doing a little research first. This generally leads to getting an inadequate charger for your needs; either overpowered, but in most cases underpowered or without some very important features. I will also be talking about how you power your charger because I get so many e-mails on that single topic alone and once again, there are many misconceptions. Since LiPo and various forms of lithium chemistry such as LiFe, and lithium ion, are so popular these days, good lithium battery charging & balancing support is what makes or breaks a computerized charger in my opinion.

This is where many people select the wrong charger for their actual needs. The reason the output is limited comes down to size...

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Alternatives to Microsoft Project / Primavera. Photography Sheilds.