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Biotechnology / Life Sciences in Baden-Württemberg. NormFinder software. Determine the optimal normalization gene NormFinder is an algorithm for identifying the optimal normalization gene among a set of candidates. It ranks the set of candidate normalization genes according to their expression stability in a given sample set and given experimental design. NormFinder can analyze expression data obtained through any quantitative method e.g. real time RT-PCR and microarray based expression analysis. "NormFinder.xla" adds the NormFinder functionality directly to Excel. A version for R ( updated December 2013) is also available. License The NormFinder software is free for both academical and commercial use. Several alternative normalization software is available, find more information here. Support We have published the algorithm in 2004: Andersen C.L., Ledet-Jensen J., Ørntoft T.: Normalization of real-time quantitative RT-PCR data: a model based variance estimation approach to identify genes suited for normalization - applied to bladder- and colon-cancer data-sets.

Admission and/or Scholarship Application Process | Adelaide Graduate Centre. Whether you are an international or domestic applicant, the application process is straight forward. Follow the process to ensure you ask the right questions and make appropriate decisions in your preparation for application to a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) program. Your choice of institution will impact your experience as a research student.The University of Adelaide is one of the most research-intensive universities in Australia. We have an outstanding record of basic research thorugh to commercial outcomes, and continue to produce real results at home and overseas.Find out more about Our Research. Overview of ProgramsPrograms include Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Professional Doctorate, and Master of Philosophy.It is recommended that you read through the basic requirements and expectations of each program so you can choose the most appropriate program of study according to your academic standing, prior training and experience, personal circumstances and commitments.

Молекулы адгезии клетки и внеклеточного матрикса и рост аксона - Рост аксона - Материалы - Молекулы клеточной адгезии управляют ростом аксона, обеспечивая наиболее благоприятное окружение для вытягивания конуса роста. Клеточные молекулы адгезии представляют собой трансмембранные или связанные с мембраной гликопротеины, характеризующиеся структурными мотивами своих внеклеточных частей, которые во многом гомологичны постоянным доменам иммуноглобулинов и фибронектина 3 типа (рис.2). Представителями надсемейства этих иммуноглобулинов (Ig) являются клеточные молекулы адгезии (N-CAM), молекулы адгезии нейроглии САМ (NgCAM), TAG-1, MAG, и DCC83). Эти молекулы обеспечивают адгезию клеток друг к другу посредством гетерофильных связей между различными надсемействами иммуноглобулинов (например, связь между NrCAM и TAG-1).

Дополнительно присутствующей везде молекулой клеточной адгезии является молекула N-кадгерина (N-cadherin, рис. 2), которая обеспечивает кальций-зависимую адгезию между клетками. NormFinder software.


PhD et al. National Center for Biotechnology Information. Wolfram|Alpha: Computational Knowledge Engine. Главная - Санкт-Петербургский государственный технологический институт (технический университет), СПбГТИ(ТУ), официальный сайт. Summer Research Program  Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM) The Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM) is inviting master students who are seeking a PhD position in nanoscience to join us for eight weeks of compelling and demanding nanotechnology research starting on July 4 - August 29, 2014.

The application deadline is March 15, 2014 On each of the projects in Munich, Großhadern and Augsburg one or two participants are matched with a graduate fellow acting as a research mentor. As a participant you will collaborate with other international students to Work on fascinating and demanding topics in nanosciencesOperate state of the art scientific equipmentSharpen your scientific and technical skillsDevelop your presentation and scientific writing abilities Scientific education is not the only intent of the program, since the students can also experience German culture and life-style. For your successful participation you will receive: Confirmation of participationConfirmation of the NIM Student Research Award12 ETCS Credit Points. MIT Portugal.