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Serious games biologie

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SYNMOD Game. Plug and play mit Biologie? Mit SYNMOD geht das! Die Synthetische Biologie ist die Modifikation existierender, natürlicher biologischer Systeme für nützliche Zwecke. Und SYNMOD basiert auf einem realen wissenschaftlichen Projekt, dass die Synthetische Biologie nützt um neue Antibotika herzustellen. Jetzt kannst du den Wissenschaftlern helfen: - schaffe Peptid-Module durch das Zusammenbauen von Amino-Säuren - kombiniere und teste diese Peptid-Module in einem Einarmigen Banditen - entdecke Antibiotika und töte ein paar lästige Bakterien Lerne die 20 elementaren Amino-Säuren kennen, die sich in jedem Lebewesen auf diesem Planeten finden. Keywords: synmod,antibiotika,amino,aminosäure,peptid,Bakterien,edutainment,Lernen,Bildung,Medizin,Biologie,Biochemie, Wissenschaft Plug and play avec la biologie?

La biologie synthétique est la modification des systèmes biologiques naturels existants à des fins utiles. Mots-clés: Sciences. Explorez les dessous de la science: Serious game scientifique. Amis gamers occasionnels ou non, vous aimez jouer alors vous allez aimer cet article mêlant le jeu et la biologie. La semaine dernière, le magasine scientifique Science a établit le hit-parade des meilleurs serious-games scientifiques de l’année 2011.

En tête, on retrouve le célèbre Fold-it. Pourquoi célèbre ? Tout simplement parce que ce jeu a permis d’effectuer des avancées majeures dans la recherche avec à la clé, entre autres, un article, sur une forme de SIDA du singe, auquel les joueurs ont contribué (photo). Le principe du jeu n’a rien a envié aux jeux de puzzle traditionnels : au départ vous avez une protéine toute dépliée. A vous de la replier, retourner dans tous les sens, de l’enrouler…afin de marquer le plus de points possibles. En plus du plaisir que vous aurez à résoudre différents puzzles et à monter dans le classement, vous aurez la possibilité de faire avancer la recherche car les résultats sont analysés par une équipe de chercheurs aux Etats-Unis.

. - Meta! Genomics Digital Lab - Storyline Version. Genomics Digital Lab (GDL) is an award winning, integrated on-line learning environment where users experience the world of biology through immersive discovery-based learning. Unlike textbooks, GDL takes an integrated, hands-on approach to help learners understand the big picture of cell biology and its importance in our lives. Fully accessible online, accessible through a web browser, no downloads or installation necessary! Genomics Digital Lab (GDL): Captivates and engages students through high quality interactive simulationsPromotes critical thinking, creativity and problem solving skillsAligns to curriculum by covering an array of biology topics such as plant environments, light reaction, DNA transcription, glycolysis, and photosynthesisProvides comprehensive lesson plan creation tools and integrated real-time assessment such as progress tracking and downloadable tests Game Content For Grades: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Lesson 1: The Plant's Environment For Grades: 10, 11, 12, C/U.

Play CellCraft, a free online game on Kongregate. Check your security settings Connection issues are typically caused by security settings on your network or computer. Check that your firewall or router has port 5222 open and allowing traffic. If you are on a school or office network, you may need to contact your network administrator to make the necessary changes. Is your version of Flash current? Some old versions of Flash don't work well with our new chat application. You can go to to get the newest version. Ad blockers and browser plug ins Ad blocker programs like AdBlock Plus, proxy software and a variety of other browser add-ons can prevent users from connecting to chat.

Try again in a few minutes Sometimes the internet is just not happy. Did you lose an achievement? Loading. Download our revolutionary mobile game to help speed up cancer research. Watch a video about Genes in Space on YouTube It’s been an ambitious and challenging project but the day to unveil it to the world has arrived.

We’re delighted today to launch Genes in Space – a unique and enjoyable game that you can download and play for free on your smart phone: It’s a game, so first and foremost it’s fun to play – boring train journeys, queues for that gig or waiting for that friend who’s always late could be transformed into exhilarating space adventures. But that’s not the exciting bit. Well it is. But there’s more. By downloading and playing this pioneering game, you will be taking part in research to help beat cancer. We’ve been working with our scientists and gaming experts for months to build the game, which on the surface is a simple and entertaining caper through space.

Here’s a little teaser of the game: Element Alpha: real data In the game, you take the helm of a spaceship to collect valuable and powerful ‘Element Alpha’. Microarray data …into this: Comments. The Blood Typing Game - about blood groups, blood typing and blood transfusions. What happens if you get a blood transfusion with the wrong blood type? Even though a patient's own blood type is the first choice for blood transfusions, it's not always available at the blood bank.

Try to save some patients' lives and learn about human blood types! Play the Blood Typing Game About this game Embed the Blood Typing Game onto your own web site or blog Swedish version of the game 2012 Winner of the Best Game Category by Swedish Learning Awards "The winner has created a minimalistic but, at the same time, captivating graphic design which grabs the user's curiosity.

See a Video about the Blood Typing Game 3 min. 1. ploster30382. holicong912523. Listed are players who have the highest number of treated patients within the last 24 hours. PHYLO | DNA Puzzles.