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Commercial / Civilian Drones

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Le progrès technologique au service de lʹhumanitaire - Tribu - Radio - Play RTS. Mobile.reuters. Dubai To Launch Flying Drone Taxis In July. DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Up, up and away: Dubai hopes to have a passenger-carrying drone regularly buzzing through the skyline of this futuristic city-state in July.

Dubai To Launch Flying Drone Taxis In July

The arrival of the Chinese-made EHang 184 — which already has had its flying debut over Dubai's iconic, sail-shaped Burj al-Arab skyscraper hotel — comes as the Emirati city also has partnered with other cutting-edge technology companies, including Hyperloop One. The question is whether the egg-shaped, four-legged craft will really take off as a transportation alternative in this car-clogged city already home to the world's longest driverless metro line. A model of the EHang 184 autonomous aerial vehicle is displayed at the World Government Summit 2017 in Dubai's Madinat Jumeirah on Feb. 13, 2017.

(Photo: AFP/Getty) What happened to the Lily camera drone? - Recode. Fishes With Robots: Drones Put New Spin on Fly-Fishing – Alice Bonasio. Watching this video of a man using a drone to catch a live fish, I had one of those moments where you go: “WTF will they think up next?”

Fishes With Robots: Drones Put New Spin on Fly-Fishing – Alice Bonasio

I’ll admit it looks like fun though, if not exactly for the poor tiny fish who’s having an X-Files kind of day. At least the man gives the bewildered creature a kiss for his troubles before tossing it back in the water. You can now use a drone to catch a (small) live fish Click To TweetThe fishing drone kit retails at £15,000 Click To Tweet And while I’m not sure whether that’s £15,000 worth of fun (that’s how much the DJI Phatom 4 Fishing Edition package retails for at Drones Direct) it does showcase an interesting use of the technology.

You certainly won’t be catching big fish (the maximum weight of a catch the drone can bring back is 200 grams) but the drone can be operated up to 100m above water and controlled from a distance of 2km. You can use the live camera feature to observe schools of fish without disturbing them Click To Tweet. VIDEO. Paris Drone Festival: Une course de drones à toute vitesse sur les Champs-Elysées. Amazon imagine des drones assistants commandés par la voix - Tech. Amazon a déposé un brevet qui décrit un mini-drone assistant, commandé par la voix.

Amazon imagine des drones assistants commandés par la voix - Tech

Fixed-wing drones not quite taking off in commercial market, a new DroneDeploy study finds. Aerial Digital Archaeology & Preservation Home - Aerial Digital Archaeology & Preservation. Drones seized carrying drugs and mobile phones into Pentonville prison. Police have seized two drones carrying drugs and mobile phones which were flying towards a prison.

Drones seized carrying drugs and mobile phones into Pentonville prison

The devices were discovered by officers investigating attempts to smuggle contraband into all-male Pentonville jail in Islington, north London. Over the weekend of 12 August, officers from the Caledonian Neighbourhoods Policing Team and the Metropolitan Police's Special Constabulary carried out patrols in the area of the prison as part of Operation Airborne. In the early hours of 13 August they saw a man acting suspiciously close to the jail.

On noticing the police, he ran from the scene, dropping two bags containing a quantity of Class B drugs and mobile phones. He evaded arrest. Commercial drones business impact: PwC. Drones are poised to become a viable solution for all kinds of businesses in the very near term.

Commercial drones business impact: PwC

In June 2016, the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) cleared a path for commercial drone use, establishing safe-use rules that include airspace, speed, pilot certification, and other guidelines for operators. It’s a watershed moment for the enterprises that would benefit most from drone-based data collection. At the same time, drone R&D has never shown more potential. Drones flying contraband into prisons - Video - Technology. Drone startup Aptonomy introduces the self-flying security guard. Aptonomy Inc. has developed drone technology that could make prison breaks, robberies or malicious intrusions of any kind impossible for mere mortals.

Drone startup Aptonomy introduces the self-flying security guard

Dubbing it a kind of “flying security guard,” the company has built its systems on top of a drone often used by movie-makers, the DJI S-1000+, a camera-carrying octocopter. To that skeleton, Aptonomy adds a new flight controller, and second computer to power day- and night-vision cameras, bright lights, and loudspeakers, among other things. And more importantly than the hardware features, Aptonomy has developed artificial intelligence and navigational systems that allow its drones to fly low and fast, avoiding obstacles in structure-dense environments, and detecting human activity or faces in the area, autonomously.

Emergency Workers Are Being Saved with Drones - Drones at Work. Recently, we learned that two thirds of fire services in the UK and half of police forces are now using drones or are planning to use drones to carry out their tasks.

Emergency Workers Are Being Saved with Drones - Drones at Work

Also, specialist ambulance crews and other hazard area response teams are also expected to join the list of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) users this year. Scroll down for the video The reason for this is to enhance working capability. Drones are already being used for search-and-rescue operations and fire and accident investigations. The Mid and West Wales Fire Service has been given Welsh government funding for some of their UAVs. He added, “It gives you the whole picture so when you go to an incident with (drones) we can actually do a 360 observation and stay in a safe place. Helper, le drone qui vole au secours des sauveteurs en mer.

VIDÉO - À défaut de pouvoir plonger, Helper embarque une bouée autogonflante et communicante qu'il peut larguer à proximité de la personne en difficulté.

Helper, le drone qui vole au secours des sauveteurs en mer

Après les livraisons, la réalisation d'images aériennes, voici le sauvetage en mer par drone avec Helper. L'idée est née sur la côte landaise. Un ingénieur, Gérald Dumartin, et un médecin urgentiste, Fabien Farge, ont mis au point un drone spécialisé dans les interventions en mer. La première mission du drone landais, en test à Biscarrosse, est de localiser les personnes en difficulté, qu'il s'agisse d'un marin passé par-dessus bord ou d'un baigneur imprudent.

PanelPicker. The day has finally come and the floodgates are open!


The FAA has broadly authorized businesses to use drones without having to jump through costly, lengthy regulatory hoops. We’re on the ground floor of the most exciting commercial industry disruption in recently technological history. But do our current policies go far enough to be valuable across a broad spectrum of businesses? And what does the prospect of commercial drones filling the airways mean for the public? I’ll talk about what still needs to be done to truly open the U.S. for commercial drones; how we maintain our competitive advantage; and what we can do to enjoy all the benefits drones provide. Fixed-wing drones not quite taking off in commercial market, a new DroneDeploy study finds. Seneca Resources mapping drone case study. Agricultural Drone with Complete Data Solutions. Drones Pique the Interest of Entrepreneurs.

HoneyComb is part of a new wave of commercial drone start-ups.

Drones Pique the Interest of Entrepreneurs

Often described as “drone services,” these companies are one-stop shops, providing both the drones to collect the data and the software to analyze it afterward. “From catastrophe response to news-gathering to construction-site monitoring, commercial drones represent one of the fastest-growing sectors in technology,” said Lisa Ellman, a partner and Washington-based co-chairwoman of the unmanned aircraft systems practice at the law firm Hogan Lovells. While the opportunity looms large, starting a new business centered on drones (or unmanned aircraft systems, as they are officially known) has its challenges, not least of which are laws that seem to be a moving target.

Many of these start-ups are small, and venture financing has been hard to secure. “The regulations have made it very difficult for many small businesses to pull themselves up from the bootstraps,” says Jeffrey J. Most have gone to larger companies. Photo. Prime Air. Comdronealliance. Uber’s first self-driving cars will start picking up passengers this month. It’s been a while since news broke in early 2015 that Uber was working on self-driving cars.

Earlier this year, the company openly admitted it was testing cars in Pittsburgh, but we haven’t heard much more over the last 18 months. Dépolluer l'air des villes avec des abeilles-robots. Le bourdonnement de la ville n'est pas forcément synonyme de pollution. Le i-Lab d'Air Liquide a récompensé des étudiants en école de design lors d'un concours organisé sur le thème "Respirer dans la ville". Le lauréat dans la catégorie "Out of the box" est une lauréate : Lucile Gamen, élève à la Sustainable Design School de Nice, pour son projet B-PURE. Le concept : déployer dans les villes des essaims de drones-abeilles de 10 cm de long, munis de filtres à particules, pour faire baisser la pollution dans l'air. A butiner ainsi, on vous laisse imaginer la qualité du miel récolté à la ruche...

Amazon's Drone Future Is A Lot Like Its Online Present. The commercial potential of drones in 5 charts - Raconteur. The first commercial UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) a.k.a. drones were used by Japan in the 1980s to spray pesticides on rice fields. Technology has since come a long way, and though drones are still used in agriculture, drone-powered solutions are allowing companies to create new, disruptive business models.

Drones are not only set to improve business efficiency through the lowering of labour and service costs, but they also have the potential to deliver real-time data that could benefit every sector from the military to transport. Join us as we analyse the commercial potential of drone technology. According to Big Four accountancy firm PwC’s ‘Clarity from Above’ report, the value of global drone-powered solutions was over $127bn in 2015. Infrastructure has the highest value of drone solutions followed closely by agriculture where drones analyse data on land and crops and ensure that crops are sprayed with the highest precision. Google's Videoconferencing Drones for Meetings. Groundbreaking, new technology is constantly making headlines for its game-changing possibilities.

With the 2016 Rio Olympics leading the way, virtual reality is transforming the way we experience faraway places and events. Pokemon Go is bringing augmented reality to a mainstream audience and impacting the way people explore the world. What does all of this innovation mean for virtual meetings? Are new advances making videoconferencing easier, more intuitive and more reliable? Well, Google is hoping to make videoconferencing a lot cooler by adding drones. As first reported by Quartz, Google was recently awarded a patent for a quadcopter drone, equipped with a screen and video camera. It’s possible that this technology would make videoconferencing more engaging and interactive.

At first glance, the idea certainly sounds cool. Journalism Students Are Learning To Operate Drones For...Journalism? Facebook drones in the sky? A Drone Scholar Answers the Big Questions About Amazon's Plans. After Amazon's Jeff Bezos announced that his company wanted to deliver packages with small unmanned aerial vehicles, many people have questioned the viability and wisdom of the idea. Yesterday, we got one optimistic perspective from Andreas Raptopoulos, an entrepreneur who founded Matternet, which is developing drone-delivery technology. But there are many other ways to answer the questions that I posed to Raptopoulos.

So, today, we bring you an interview with the University of Washington's Ryan Calo, who has become a leading authority on the ethical and policy implications of emerging technologies. Specifically, he's focused on the problems at the nexus of drones and privacy in recent months. To offer the most intriguing parallels, I tried to keep my questions to Calo as similar to the ones as I posed to Raptopoulos as possible. Drones.newamerica. Clear and secure rights to property—land, natural resources, and other goods and assets—are crucial to human prosperity. Most people lack such rights. That lack is in part a consequence of political and social breakdowns, and in part driven by informational deficits. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, are able to gather large amounts of information cheaply and efficiently by virtue of their aerial perspective, as can unpowered platforms like kites and balloons. That information, in the form of images, maps, and other data, can be used by communities to improve the quality and character of their property rights.

These same tools are also useful in other, related aspects of global development. This primer discusses the capabilities and limitations of unmanned aerial vehicles in advancing property rights, human rights and development more broadly. Click below to download the text of this primer, or on the corresponding link for a particular chapter. Uk.businessinsider. Google Project Wing drone delivery projectGoogle The Federal Aviation Administration just gave Google parent company Alphabet the greenlight to test its delivery drones in designated areas. The company launched Project Wing several years back with the vision that its drones will be able to deliver packages faster than ordinary methods, while cutting down on pollution. The company had technically already been side-stepping FAA regulation by flying the drones over private land thanks to a deal with NASA, but these new approvals are a big step forward.

Update: Green light for Amazon drone pilot. David Sullivan. » Drones Raise Red Flags Regarding Privacy Rights. Drone Delivery. December 18, 2014 – Micro UAS Petition Filed with FAA. The UAS America Fund, LLC filed with the FAA a formal Petition for Rulemaking that proposes regulation for the commercial use of Micro UAS. Drone carrying drugs crashes near US-Mexico border. 22 January 2015Last updated at 07:18 ET.

Drone Ships by BBC World Service Radio. Alibaba begins drone delivery trials in China. Des paquets livrés par drones d'ici cinq ans ?