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Programming in Scala. Book Description Scala is an object-oriented programming language for the Java Virtual Machine.

Programming in Scala

In addition to being object-oriented, Scala is also a functional language, and combines the best approaches to OO and functional programming. This book is the authoritative tutorial on the Scala programming language, co-written by the language's designer, Martin Odersky. In Italian, Scala means a stairway, or steps indeed, Scala lets you step up to a programming environment that incorporates some of the best recent thinking in programming language design while also letting you use all your existing Java code.

Artima is very pleased to publish a new edition of the best-selling book on Scala, written by the designer of the language, Martin Odersky. About the AuthorsMartin Odersky is the creator of the Scala language. Programming in Scala, 2nd Edition. The first edition of Programming in Scala won the 2009 Jolt Productivity Award in the Technical Books category.

Programming in Scala, 2nd Edition

Programming in Scala is clearly written, thorough, and easy to follow. It has great examples and useful tips throughout. It has enabled our organization to ramp up on the Scala language quickly and efficiently. This book is great for any programmer who is trying to wrap their head around the flexibility and elegance of the Scala language. - Larry Morroni, Owner, Morroni Technologies, Inc. The Programming in Scala book serves as an excellant tutorial to the Scala language.

I have found the book really easy to work through, and it is probably one of the better written technical books I have read recently. . - Matthew Todd I am amazed by the effort undertaken by the authors of Programming in Scala. To all readers: No matter what your programming background is, I feel you will find programming in Scala liberating and this book will be a loyal friend in the journey. - Howard Lovatt.

Programming in Scala - Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, Bill Venners - Google Books. Functional Programming Principles in Scala. About the Course This course introduces the cornerstones of functional programming using the Scala programming language.

Functional Programming Principles in Scala

Functional programming has become more and more popular in recent years because it promotes code that’s safe, concise, and elegant. Furthermore, functional programming makes it easier to write parallel code for today’s and tomorrow’s multiprocessors by replacing mutable variables and loops with powerful ways to define and compose functions. Scala is a language that fuses functional and object-oriented programming in a practical package. It interoperates seamlessly with Java and its tools. In this course you will discover the elements of the functional programming style and learn how to apply them usefully in your daily programming tasks. The course is hands on; most units introduce short programs that serve as illustrations of important concepts and invite you to play with them, modifying and improving them.

Course Syllabus Week Four: Types and Pattern Matching. The Scala Programming Language. Scala (langage) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Scala (langage)

Scala intègre les paradigmes de programmation orientée objet et de programmation fonctionnelle, avec un typage statique. Il concilie ainsi ces deux paradigmes habituellement opposés (à de rares exceptions près, telle que le langage OCaml) et offre au développeur la possibilité de choisir le paradigme le plus approprié à son problème.

Il est prévu pour être compilé en bytecode Java (exécutable sur la JVM), ou .Net. Ces deux plateformes sont supportées officiellement par l'EPFL. Si on souhaite l'utiliser exclusivement avec la JVM, il est alors possible d'utiliser les bibliothèques écrites en Java de façon complètement transparente. Les développeurs habitués à un seul paradigme (par exemple ceux ayant utilisé principalement Java qui, lui, repose sur la programmation orientée objet) peuvent trouver ce langage déroutant et difficile car il nécessite l'apprentissage de concepts différents si on veut pouvoir exploiter tout son potentiel.