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Raw food (Stev Jobs)

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La naturopathie a-t-elle tué ou, au contraire, aidé Steve Jobs. Décédé en octobre 2011, alors qu´il était au sommet de sa réussite, Steve Jobs, patron d’Apple, atteint d´un cancer du pancréas depuis 2004, est-il mort d’avoir fait confiance à son naturopathe ?

La naturopathie a-t-elle tué ou, au contraire, aidé Steve Jobs

C´est ce que sous-entend la Miviludes (Mission interministérielle de vigilance et de lutte contre les dérives sectaires), par la voix de son président, Georges Fenech, qui déclarait, le 1er décembre 2011, lors d´un colloque à Toulouse : « Regardez Steve Jobs, c’était un génie, pourtant, son cancer du pancréas aurait pu être soigné par la médecine moderne, mais il était sous l’emprise d’un naturopathe et se soignait avec des jus de fruits ». Contrairement aux affirmations de Georges Fenech, Steve Jobs n´a jamais totalement rejeté la médecine conventionnelle.

Ainsi, en juillet 2004, il subit une ablation de sa tumeur au pancréas. Le 20 juin 2009, il bénéficie d´une greffe de foie. La plupart de ces tumeurs sont bénignes, mais pas toutes. Le taux de survie est inférieur à 5 % iVegetarian: The High Fructose Diet of Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs, the genius behind Apple Computer, died October 5, and the animal rights organization PETA quickly lifted a tall glass of carrot juice to his memory.

iVegetarian: The High Fructose Diet of Steve Jobs

That's what Jobs gave out to trick or treaters one Halloween, and PETA reminded us not only of that, but of other positive steps Jobs took for health and the environment. Jobs played a role in Disney's 2006 decision not to renew its Happy Meal toy deal with McDonalds, for example, and more recently "greened up" Apple's manufacturing operations in China and elsewhere. Sadly, PETA has yet to acknowledge the role that Jobs's near vegan diet and frequent fruitarianism may have played in his death. Indeed, PETA continues to maintain that their vegan brand of "right eating" will virtually guarantee freedom from cancer and other major health problems despite the fact that most alternative MDs and health practitioners find serious illnesses among health-conscious vegans in their clinical practices. That's it.

Why Did Steve Jobs Die? John A. McDougall. John A.

John A. McDougall

McDougall is an American Irish physician and author whose philosophy is that degenerative disease can be prevented and treated with a low-fat, whole foods, plant-based/vegan diet – especially one based on starches such as potatoes, rice, and corn – which excludes all animal foods and added vegetable oils.

Biography[edit] Early years and education[edit] McDougall is a graduate of Michigan State University’s College of Human Medicine, he performed his internship at Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1972, and his medical residency at the University of Hawaii. He is certified as an internist by the Board of Internal Medicine and the National Board of Medical Examiners. Career[edit] In 2002, he began the McDougall Program at the Flamingo Resort in Santa Rosa, California.

McDougall is the co-founder and chairman of Dr. McDougall is the author of several books, including The McDougall Plan (1983). Works[edit] Research papers[edit] Bibliography[edit] The Starch Solution (2012)Dr. McDougall Program Advanced Study Weekend (3-day program in Santa Rosa, CA. The McDougall 3-Day Advanced Study Weekend in Santa Rosa, California These weekends are held twice a year and are dedicated to broadening the understanding of plant-food based nutrition and conservative medical care.

McDougall Program Advanced Study Weekend (3-day program in Santa Rosa, CA

New opinions and research are presented to our sophisticated audiences. Even though we call them "advanced study," these educational events are designed for the benefit and enjoyment of those just beginning on the road to better health, as well as medical and nutrition professionals. Nor are participants expected to have attended a 10-day program before coming. Introduction to the McDougall Advanced Study Weekends. Fruits, fructose, steve jobs, apple et ashton kutcher, on mélange tout ! une vidéo de Steve Jobs was a raw foodest and didn’t have to die!  Topic: Steve Jobs was a raw foodest and didn’t have to die!

Steve Jobs was a raw foodest and didn’t have to die! 

Not too many people know this, but the reason Steve Jobs named his computer “Apple Macintosh” is because when he invented it, he was on a raw food diet. Yes, Steve Jobs was very passionate about raw food and health. I even met his wife at The Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, FL I am not really sure what happened, why or when he stopped eating a raw food diet, but I do know that he could have went back to eating a healthier diet and it could have saved his life. Of all the different type of cancers, pancreatic cancer is one of the hardest to overcome. I understand if this seems hard to believe. Not everyone who uses the best protocols will get cured, some simply wait too long before trying. It’s not rocket science, but it also makes sense to know what the best protocols are before you go into a practice blindly – particular if your disease is serious, like cancer.

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