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Welcome. gSOAP. OpenSSL. Zlib. Web Services Description Language - Wikipedia, the free encyclop. The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is an XML-based interface description language that is used for describing the functionality offered by a web service.

Web Services Description Language - Wikipedia, the free encyclop

The acronym is also used for any specific WSDL description of a web service (also referred to as a WSDL file), which provides a machine-readable description of how the service can be called, what parameters it expects, and what data structures it returns. It thus serves a purpose that corresponds roughly to that of a method signature in a programming language. The current version of WSDL is WSDL 2.0. The meaning of the acronym has changed from version 1.1 where the D stood for Definition.

Description[edit] Representation of concepts defined by WSDL 1.1 and WSDL 2.0 documents. The WSDL describes services as collections of network endpoints, or ports. Example WSDL file[edit] <? History[edit] WSDL 1.0 (Sept. 2000) was developed by IBM, Microsoft, and Ariba to describe Web Services for their SOAP toolkit. See also[edit] References[edit] Other general Lib.


Un générateur de données pour remplir vos bases. Si vous développez des trucs bidules chouettes, vous avez surement besoin de remplir vos bases de données avec des infos bidons, histoire de faire vos tests.

Un générateur de données pour remplir vos bases

Certains framework s'en chargent mais si ce n'est pas le cas, sachez qu'il existe un site baptisé Generate Data, qui permet de créer au choix un HTMLun CSVun XMLun XLS (excel)un SQL avec des données générées (noms, prénoms, adresses, email, n° de téléphone, ID...etc). Ce générateur est disponible en ligne mais aussi sous forme d'un script open source téléchargeable et utilisable sur votre serveur. Exemple de résultat obtenu en SQL : Moi j'dis, ça peut toujours servir ! [Source et photo] Rejoignez les 57567 korbenautes et réveillez le bidouilleur qui est en vous Suivez KorbenUn jour ça vous sauvera la vie.. Asciiflow - ASCII Flow Diagram Tool. Face substitution... A qui êtes vous réellement en train de parler? FaceTracker. FaceTracker is a C/C++ API for real time generic non-rigid face alignment and tracking. Goal : Non-rigid face alignment and tracking is a common problem in computer vision.

It is the front-end to many algorithms that require registration, for example face and expression recognition. However, those working on algorithms for these higher level tasks are often unfamiliar with the tools and peculiarities regarding non-rigid registration (i.e. pure machine learning scientists, psychologists, etc.). Even those directly working on face alignment and tracking often find implementing an algorithm from published work to be a daunting task, not least because baseline code against which performance claims can be assessed does not exist. 1. 2.

Features : • Real time : ranging from 20-30 fps (depending on processor, compiler and use of OpenMP) • Generic : designed to work for most people under most conditions • No training required : a pre-trained model is provided • Camera or video input Download : J. Realtime Face Tracking and Face Substitution!!