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Crossplatform Framework for NUI. Is it possible to use Python to write cross-platform apps for both iOS and Android? Pyzia. iPhone Applications in Python. Writing iPhone applications is easy. Well, if you are willing to wait until Apple provides the ability to run their SDK-based applications on actual hardware.

Until then, you are forced to go through a quite long list of steps. While I've updated this process somewhat, it's still anything but "easy". Even then, when you get the whole thing working, you still have to know Objective-C. This same issue came up on the desktop, and spawned a number of projects that connect Objective-C with other languages. The effort for porting this turned out to be minimal, and the maintainer of the project (Ronald Oussoren) has contacted me about merging my changes, which means that its support that is likely to stay around for quite a while. A Sample Application To get this program, and its source code, install the package iPhone/Python from the Python section (or apt-get install iphone-python). A Quick Introduction To start with, we see the block of import statements. The weirdest part, though, is NULL. Is it possible to use Python to write cross-platform apps for both iOS and Android?

Jenkins : Le guide complet. Maven - Pearson - 2009.pdf. Jenkins : Le guide complet.