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No Zinc, No 5-htp, No Serotonin, No Melatonin. 5-htp (5-Hydroxytryptophan) is a brain chemical that is a vital building block of the neurotransmitter 5-ht, or Serotonin - our "happiness chemical".

No Zinc, No 5-htp, No Serotonin, No Melatonin.

Melatonin is our "Sleep inducing" brain chemical. No 5-hydroxytryptophan and no sleep is bound to make Jack a stressed out, depressed and unhappy boy! ...they say that in World War 2 , sleep deprivation was one of the most successful forms of torture... 5-htp:The Immediate Precursor to Serotonin. Calcium Supplements Linked to Breast Cancer and Heart Attack.


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