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Urbex :: Siam. ABANDONED PLACES. Urbex. Trekking in Nepal | Adventure Holidays in Nepal | Everest, Annapurna | Himalaya | - Home. Physics. Physcology. A Conversation with... [Aldous Huxley] Huxley: At least two-thirds of our miseries spring from human stupidity, human malice and those great motivators and justifiers of malice and stupidity: idealism, dogmatism and proselytizing zeal on behalf of religious or political ideas. Protagonist: ...and I shall add, if I may...? One would best advise: pray God, the Pope and Lord Buckingham, go interfering with another's Chastity, and I shall hereafter look to myself... and therefore, I over others, we and them, unless they doth corrupt the situation with money, I refrain. Huxley: The more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude.

Protagonist: And, it is there so, I feel; for to be mindless, is to be the other not in solitude; so one not in solitude, the other can be shepherded into folly, at the whim of servitude. That is not for I, for I, the artisan create... Music to inspire::Chemical Brothers - One Too Many Mornings:: Music to inspire::Egyptrixx - Bible Eyes::

A Mobthink Hypothesis: I have some interesting research on,"Mob Theory" and it's modern day context, with specific relationships to aspects of Mob psychology, such as, Groupthink: Mobbing; Mob rules; Mobsters; an angry Mob; lynch Mob; a Mob hunt (Witch hunt, derivative term); or, I was Mobbed; has it's roots in Latin (mobile vulgus "fickle commoners"). The term "Mob" is still in use today, under similar context in spoken and written English. I would like to explore some aspects of it's usage, with you here, and try to put my finger on why one would adopt a negative slanderous term to describe ones self. Under it's negative context Sigmund Freud's looked at Crowd Behaviour Theory, quote:"It is probably the suspicion of this fictitiousness of their own 'group psychology' which makes fascist crowds so merciless and unapproachable.

If they would stop to reason for a second, the whole performance would go to pieces, and they would be left to panic. " Is this to be true of our Mob down-under? Music. Country Roots to Post-Rock. The Culture Bomb... At best, society is currently gravitating towards lost creativity; creativity, as a business model, for business sake - the machine that keeps the average humoured. And, for good reason, anyone who is anyone, can be found running for cover, to marginalize themselves from such social servitude: to skirt the underground, those catacombs where one hides quality, diversity and exploration of their art; and, a place mainstream culture fear not tread; and, where unlike their production based counterparts, true creativity bathes relatively undisturbed, away from the fluffy kitten pictures and social marketing techniques.

I dare you to really explore the names I drop in this post. would you give them time, you should, they deserve it. And for your efforts, I suspect that you'll be rewarded tenfold. So it is ... let us first turn our attention to Morcheeba, Bahamadia, Portishead, The Controls - Opium dreams, with an organic Hip-Hop influences. Chinese Man - Ordinary Man - 2010 to be continued... ART. Drchristophers on deviantART. Project: HDR and Tone Mapping.

Above: Nikon D5100 with 18-55mm lens. This image was created by converting the file into three separate exposure values before exporting to Photomatix HDR software, for exposure fusion and tone mapping. Further processing was done using Photoshop. I've saved a selection of the best High Dynamic Range (HDR) 'tone mapping' images at my Flickr favorites. They're about the best examples, with respects to processing skill, photographic subject and composition, that I've personally found in the genre. Most of the photographers represented there show a large body of professional work that's worth exploring a little further. To gain more insight into the process of HDR, in general terms. My Tone Mapping Process: My current production method, also-known-as, "Unsharp Masking": using a standard image editing package with .jpeg image format.

It's a little like chemistry: you've got to believe in the photographs ability to produce results using this method. Work by Ben Hodson. Graphic Design. Religion. The Best Testament: The Book of Benjamin. My new project: behold ~ The Best Testament: The Book of Benjamin. It will be a whole lot of parables; excerpts from a non-existent manuscript, found on-top-of-a-hill in northern Ethiopia; a fictitious concept; The Book of Benjamin, a righteous satire nonetheless: [The Book of Benjamin: The Old Testament] In the beginning there was the, 'Evolution of Species' but we shall skip that part. It was thus, the Lord did take a week to make the moonbeams, the beautiful blue sky, all the pretty animals and old growth forests etc...

Still not content, but drunk on happiness, from the feasting of the night before: So it was that God made the first man, then after... a couple of attempts at woman, He gave-up further construction, brushed his hands of it all, and took the seventh day to rest. hunted all the animals to fill her belly. He cut down all the old growth forests to build her shelter, and rest for his tired body. ‎ [Benjamin:21:1~15] The three wise men ... Etc... Buddhism.

Yantra Tattooing. My years of living in Southeast Asia have made me realize, spiritually and traditional Buddhist philosophy form the dominant cultural norm; a keystone, or network of social cohesiveness by which one gravitates towards a collective social value set. Buddhism has its roots in everyday life here, from basic daily living, to business and economics. And, for the most part, religious practice towards Buddhist values help form the general daily aesthetics - the heart-beat of society, that is, the shroud of Asian life, the colourfulness and vibrancy. It wasn't long until I became acquainted with one such colorful part of the Buddhist tradition, the art of Yantra tattooing: Traditional tattooing is one aspect of Buddhist culture that appeals to me; one beyond the flowers and adornments that swing like pendulums from the rear vision mirrors and handlebar of cars and motorbikes alike. The art of tattooing has been around for centuries in Asian Buddhism.

BirthLifeDeath by Yantra Mandala. The Sanctuary of Truth. Atheism. Biology. Documentary: God is in The Neurons. God is in The Neurons, It's believed to be - under some mystique - the work of Chiren Boumaaza: Not a standard resume, which I find all the more compelling: a gamer that goes by the handle 'Athene', one who is both liked and disliked by peers, and critics. Bias aside, and on face value, the movie 'God is in The Neurons', touches on some fundamental theories; if anything, those theories which are foremost, in current terms, drivers of today's advancements in technology, such as advanced physics and biology; the sciences and innovation of tomorrow - a good thing? Personally, I relate, and also use similar, 'theories' - ideas if you will - in constructing articles here at 'Reflections Blog'. Although, I know little of "Athene’s Theory of Everything" and should therefore not speculate any further on its origins.

I know even less about online gaming... Genetics. Evolution. The New Paradigm: Age of Intellectual Abundance. With the hope of formulating some key notes and ideas toward my next book; an essay, which directly tackles issue relating to the human condition amidst the age of Information Technology, and its effect on socio-economics, spirituality and the current paradoxes of modern sociology: I will endeavour to use this blog to highlight those issues that I feel require genuine debate. Topics that in some ways are grounded in modern theories such as Thermodynamics, Psychology, Relativity, Evolution, Biology and Quantum Mechanics etc; looking for answers to the big questions, those that in my mind anyway, are not so difficult to answer using the tools that are now available; approaching general topics from the stand point of the New Paradigm.

This blog will be a platform to get people thinking. I will base my ideas around general topics which have a foundation in every day life; and further, theories which shape our universal environment. For example: the age old riddle, “the chicken or the egg?” Relativity. Game Theory. Love = Non-Zero-Sum Returns. The Buddhist have a saying, "One who sets out to win has already lost their ground. " To "win" you must assume that: there is a state of play; the rules are the same for everyone; all advantages and disadvantages are shared equally, and the game - if existent at all - takes at least two apposing forces that share the same will to accept defeat without changing the state of play.

In reality however, this is a clinical paradox, where equal forces will never find a higher ground. Similarly in the book, "The Art of War" ... Master Sun: "So it is that good warriors take their stand on ground where they cannot lose. " Master Sun is mearly stating that one must in essence change the state of play if one fears a disadvantage. In game theory: and, stated simply, Amy and James under the Nash equilibrium, where Amy is given $100 and told to share it as she wishes with James. In this instance the best outcome is a win-win split. This type of thinking can be visualised in many ways. Quantum Physics.