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Creative presentations with Prezi and infographics. 28-May-2012 Whether it’s the information age’s endless data streams or the seemingly infinite English lexicon, it’s easy to see how students can often feel overwhelmed by the data they are expected to process.

Creative presentations with Prezi and infographics

I believe the solution lies in giving them more creative control over their learning and in this week’s post we will look at a few tools which allow students to filter and communicate ideas in their own ways: 1. Prezi – a unique presentation tool, which allows users to create zooming non-linear narratives, like this one on Guinness’ marketing mix. 2. Sick of PowerPoint? Prezi Puts Your Presentation on One Page. The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark.

Sick of PowerPoint? Prezi Puts Your Presentation on One Page

If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Name: Prezi Quick Pitch: Prezi creates presentations on a single zoomable canvas. Genius Idea: The cloud-based software allows you to zoom in and out of your presentation, helping to explain your ideas. Diagrammer. PowerFrameworks. Prezi: the Zooming Presentation Editor. Prezi: Math is not linear by Alison.