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Mobile App Design

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iOS SDK Building Apps with MapKit and Core Location. Build Your Site. Multi-Screen Resources Skip to content Make Your Website Work Across Multiple Devices Build a website that showcases your business on every screen from smartphones and tablets to computers and TVs.

Build Your Site

Your customers expect a great browsing experience regardless of what device they use. Whitepaper Building websites for the multi-screen consumer. What Language Should You Build Your App With? Mobile developers across the globe have developed and released more than 650,000 iPhone apps, 400,000 iPad apps, and 600,000 apps for Android.

What Language Should You Build Your App With?

Are you thinking about building an app? A key step in the process is choosing the right programming language, which depends on how scrappy you're willing to be. New App Bridges Communication Gap Between Devs and Small Biz. Small businesses today have many useful sites and products to help them get started with mobile app development, but this information might still feel useless if you don't understand JavaScript or HTML5.

New App Bridges Communication Gap Between Devs and Small Biz

Tiggzi is a new app that hopes to level the playing field between highly experienced developers and tech-savvy business owners — and save companies tons of money in the process. Exadel, the creative force behind Tiggzi, is a mobile software application development company that counts Fortune 500 companies among its list of clients. What started as a resource for major corporate companies has provided Exadel with the knowledge to create software for like-minded developers and small business owners. Features. Designing a Mobile App? Don't Make These 10 Mistakes. So you've already learned how to navigate the tricky world of cross-platform app design and worked through all of the common pitfalls of developing your app.

Designing a Mobile App? Don't Make These 10 Mistakes

HxD conference spotlights 7 'mobile myths' for developers. Speaking at the Healthcare Experience Design on Monday, Josh Clark, founder of Brooklyn, N.Y.

HxD conference spotlights 7 'mobile myths' for developers

NDL - Application Integration, Mobile, Emulation, Integrate, Business, Solutions. Everything you need to integrate your applications!

NDL - Application Integration, Mobile, Emulation, Integrate, Business, Solutions

Nurses build mobile apps through mobile application development platform. The age of the non-technical app developer may be dawning, as more and more developers create actual mobile application development platforms for Android and iOS devices.

Nurses build mobile apps through mobile application development platform

Recently, Northern Devon Healthcare Trust adopted a policy and a platform that allowed non-technical employees to design their own mobile apps. The software is from British software provider NDL. The company’s awiMX toolkit is designed to allow non-technical staff to create mobile applications using a drag-and-drop interface. NHS did this in response to a request from the government, and instead of having to hire more people or force their current staff to do unnecessary work, they settled on the awiMX platform. How to Avoid the Common Pitfalls of Mobile App Development. The Mobile App Trends Series is supported by Sourcebits, a leading product developer for mobile platforms.

How to Avoid the Common Pitfalls of Mobile App Development

Sourcebits offers design and development services for iOS, Android, Mobile and Web platforms. Follow Sourcebits on Twitter for recent news and updates. Mobile development has come a long way in the past few years. But as technology continues to introduce new and more innovating products at a rapid pace, there's room for many developers to make huge mistakes along the way — ones that could jeopardize their product or even their entire business. "I think that you can screw up five times before you get up in the morning, in ways that you never even thought of," says Josh Koppel, CCO and co-founder of ScrollMotion.

Planning an Event? Yapp Makes an App in Minutes. Conferences, weddings and parties often have their own websites, but the founders of a new app builder called Yapp want to replace those online pages with mobile apps.

Planning an Event? Yapp Makes an App in Minutes

"The thing about events by definition is that when you go to an event you're mobile," co-founder Maria Seidman tells Mashable. "You’re not in front of your computer. " On Wednesday, Yapp launched a free private beta version of its event-focused app builder. It allows users to build an event app within minutes by choosing the design template of their choice and then adding key info like addresses, schedules and, in the case of a wedding or conference app, bio pages. The apps have news feeds where everyone invited can chat or upload group photos. While other DIY app builders such as TheAppBuilder, AppsBuilder, Buzztouch and AppBreeder emphasize their customizable interfaces, Yapp is focused on offering cookie-cutter solutions for the most common app use cases.

Yapp is the most basic app builder we've seen. The Death of the Call Center. Zor Gorelov is the CEO and co-founder of SpeechCycle, a leading provider of customer self-service solutions.

The Death of the Call Center

You can follow him on Twitter @SpeechCycle. The rapid growth of smartphone adoption is changing every facet of our lives. From Siri, Apple’s virtual personal assistant, to the thousands of mobile applications that entertain and educate us, we have become an always-connected society. Pew Internet & American Life Project reported that smartphone users have now surpassed basic phone users. Gartner predicts that mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common web access devices worldwide. 5 steps to making your medical app idea a reality. By: Craig Monsen, MS [Ed. This is the first part of a two part series. Creating your own app? Learn to design before learning to code.

[Ed. We are pleased to bring you an interesting article that discusses creating your own healthcare app. Check out Josh's own blog where this post also appears.] by: Josh Herigon iMedicalApps recently published a post by Craig Monsen, cofounder of Blueprint Health startup Symcat, entitled, 5 steps to making your medical app a reality. Subsequently, this post has received a ton of comments. 15 Beautiful and Useful Free PSD Files. Dribbble is a great community, and is a place where you can find much more than inspiration and awesome professionals. It’s a place where you can find really talented people sharing their work with you for free.

This is the case of today’s list, we are presenting you with 15 beautiful and free psd files we found on Dribbble. From tags, to social icons, and complete UI kits, there is a lot of useful files for you here. Click the images to check out each designer’s (show these guys your appreciation, they definitely deserve it) page to be able to do the download.

5 Tips for Creating Hi-Res iPad Content. Xavier Facon is CTO at Crisp Media, a rich media advertising technology company based in New York City. He blogs regularly about ad technology and mobile best practices. Designers and developers who create content for mobile devices with high-resolution screens often see the retina display as both a blessing and a curse. For instance, the new iPad, with its 2,048 x 1,536-pixel resolution, has a million more pixels than your 1080p HD television. But while the new resolution affords stunning, visual experiences, the devices often require 4G Internet speeds, which aren't available to everyone. Furthermore, designers are questioning how to start multi-screen projects in the first place. Whether publishing digital content or building rich media display advertising, try these five tips. 1.

Although historically the order of creating digital content has been desktop first, smartphone second, tablet third, you will need to port experiences to all screens eventually. 2. 10 Things to Plan for Mobile App Dev. David Tucker is a principal architect at Universal Mind. As the resident Apple and Adobe expert, he works closely with Universal Mind’s clients to develop rich user experiences that leverage many of today’s exciting new development platforms.

Follow David on Twitter @mindmillmedia. Mobile-First Responsive Web Design. Mobile Responsive Design Testing. Best 7 HTML5 Frameworks for Mobile Apps. Titanium Titanium is sometimes confused for an HTML5 framework. It is a java script-based interface with native code modules that are included in the framework. It translates web skills into native apps that act as if they were written in Objective-C (iPad and iPhone) or Java (Android). Code-Free Mobile App Prototyping « adjustafresh – user experience design. Copy the Fit, not the Features. The world of start-ups is obsessed with outliers. [Infographic] Mapping the Tools in the Mobile Development Ecosystem. The mobile development ecosystem is a large, complicated space. Stanford's Free Developing Apps for iPhone and iPad. 15 November '11, 08:05pm Follow Stanford University’s School of Engineering has a history of offering courses on some pretty interesting products for free online.

Many of them have been through Apple’s iTunes U program, and this latest is no exception. Mobile is not the future. It’s now. Focus On: Design Trends in Mobile Apps for iOS. Apple’s mobile operating system has gained a huge following in just a few short years. Although it can take months of dedicated study to even begin programming iOS apps, there still seems to be a solid market of intelligent developers. In the last year alone we’ve witnessed the iPad2 and iPhone 4S releases which have both appeared stunning.