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RSA Animate - The Divided Brain. Obsesiones Cerebrales (Capítulo REDES 327) [9] REDES 1/2. Los 7 pecados de la memoria. Brain Bugs: Hallucinations, Forgotten Faces, and Other Cognitive Quirks | Think Tank. What's the Big Idea? If seeing is believing, then how do we come to know? One common misperception holds that vision springs directly from the eyes.

True, the eyes, ears, and skin bombard us with a constant stream of information. But sensory input is only the first step in a complex journey towards arriving at our understanding of the world. As neuroscientist V.S. What's the Significance? For neurologists like Ramachandran, "the question of how neurons encode meaning and evoke all the semantic associations of an object is the holy grail of neuroscience, whether you are studying memory, perception, art, or consciousness. " This is because brain damage is highly specialized.

John developed a blood clot in a vein in his leg, which traveled to his cerebral arteries, causing a stroke. There was nothing wrong with his vision or hearing. In John's case, the "wire between the vision and the amagydala," which regulates emotion, had been cut. Dan Honan contributed to this article.

Gifted brain

Steven Pinker: The stuff of thought. Part 1 - V.S. Ramachandran at Beyond Belief 2.0. Real-time brain feedback can help people overcome anxiety. This image from the study shows changes in degree of connectivity in the feedback group. Increases are shown in red/yellow and decreases in blue/purple. Decreases in connectivity are seen in limbic areas, and increases are seen in prefrontal regions. (Credit: D Scheinost et al. /Yale University) People provided with a real-time readout of activity in specific regions of their brains can learn to control that activity and lessen their anxiety, say Yale researchers.

They used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), to display the activity of the orbitofrontal cortex (a brain region just above the eyes) to subjects while they lay in a brain scanner. Through a process of trial and error, these subjects were gradually able to learn to control their brain activity. Extreme anxiety associated with worries about dirt and germs is characteristic of many patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Part 1 - Phantoms In The Brain (Episode 1) You Can Change Your Brain: Matthew Keener at TEDxGrandviewAve. Share photos and videos on Twitter. David Christian: Big history. Henry Markram: Supercomputing the brain's secrets. YouTube.