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Css/edge. Please note that none of the demonstrations in css/edge are intended to work in Navigator 4.x. I say this not to denigrate that browser, but instead to spare you any frustration you might otherwise feel. This site exists to explore the cutting edge of HTML+CSS design, and Navigator 4.x is, at four years and counting, just too old to keep up with most things that will be done here. Again, there's nothing wrong with Navigator 4.x, but you probably don't want to use it in this area. Consider it a friendly warning. Welcome to the edge What is this? Expanding our horizons For the last seven years, we've been pushing Web design further and further down the same path. Like tables, there is another highly limiting structure that's composed of rows and cells: a prison. Css/edge is intended, first and foremost, to be as relentlessly creative with CSS as we have been practical all these years.

Inclusion Criteria Copyright. CSS Menu Generator - Horizontal, Vertical, Drop Down, DHTML CSS. CSS Layout: A collection of 224 Grid and CSS Layouts. The CSS 3 Flexible Box Model ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer. This article about the Flexible Box Layout was written by Jérémie Patonnier, French open Web enthusiast. The flexible box model CSS 3 introduces a brand new box model in addition of the traditional box model from CSS 1 and 2.

The flexible box model determines the way boxes are distributed inside other boxes and the way they share the available space. You can see the specification here. This box model is similar to the one used by XUL (the user interface language used by Firefox). Some others languages use similar box models such as XAML or GladeXML. Usually the flexible box model is exactly what you need if you want to create fluid layouts which adapt themselves to the size of the browser window or elastic layouts which adapt themselves to the font size. In this article, all my examples are based on the following HTML code: Distributing boxes: so what? By default, the traditional CSS box model distributes boxes vertically depending on the HTML flow. Horizontal or vertical distribution.

Snazzy Hover Effects Using CSS. With all these CSS3 effects and tutorials popping up every day that show all the new and wonderful things we can make happen, we sometimes forget about poor little old CSS2.1 and the great potential it still has. With very good browser support, we can do lots of cool things that we know will work in all major browsers. In this tutorial, I will be going over creating flexible advanced hover techniques using CSS2.1 properties. Here is a live demonstration of the effect we will be creating. Advanced hover states are quite simple When I first started learning CSS, the :hover pseudo-element was no more than a way to remove the underline on a text link.

Since then, through experimentation, I have learnt that it is so much more powerful and it can create some really cool effects when used in conjunction with other CSS properties. The astute reader will see that this technique has great potential outside of what we discuss here, such as showing CSS tool tips when hovering over a hyperlink. <! Wrap up. CSS3 Gradient Buttons. Last week I talked about Cross-Browser CSS Gradient. Today I'm going to show you how to put the CSS gradient feature in a good practical use. Check out my demo to see a set of gradient buttons that I have created with just CSS (no image or Javascript).

The buttons are scalable based on the font-size. The button size can be easily adjusted by changing the padding and font-size values. The best part about this method is it can be applied to any HTML element such as div, span, p, a, button, input, etc. What Is So Cool About These Buttons? Pure CSS: no image or Javascript is used. Preview The image below shows how the button will display in different browsers. Button States normal state = gradient with border and shadow styles. hover = darker gradient active = gradient is reversed, 1px down, and darker font color as well.

General Styles For The Button The following code is the general styles for the .button class. Color Gradient Styles The code below is the CSS styling for the orange button. Tutoriel : formulaire 100% CSS3 sans image et sans JavaScript | Je vous invite à aller lire le tutoriel complet sur le CSS que j’ai écrit. Après avoir expliqué comment réaliser un bon formulaire HTML, pourquoi ne pas en réaliser un uniquement en CSS3 ? Les propriétés CSS3 utilisées ici sont les suivantes : border-radius pour les bords arrondisbox-shadow pour les ombres des blocscontent pour rajouter du contenu au HTMLgradient pour les dégradés des blocsrgba pour avoir des fonds transparentstext-shadow pour les ombres du texte J’utilise aussi les pseudo-classes CSS3 suivantes : :after pour rajouter du texte HTML à la suite d’un élément:last-child pour sélectionner le dernier enfant d’un élément:target pour séléctionner un élément lorsqu’une #ancre est utilisée dans l’adresse Dernière fonctionnalité utilisée : le sélecteur avancé [type=text] pour sélectionner un élément selon la valeur d’un de ses attributs HTML.

Bien sûr, toutes ces nouveautés CSS3 ne marchent pas partout, mais elles fonctionnent très bien sous Firefox et Safari/Chrome (Webkit).