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Psychologie de l'Education

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Les théories des apprentissages

Education et Sciences Cognitives. Education et résilience. Education et Psychologie sociale. Ergonomie à l'Ecole. 2040e6265aa2c729e5c1844f732854fb9c49. Introduction à la pensée systémique. Les grands principes de l'apprentissage (Stanislas Dehaene) Esprit du site Editorial: L'esprit de ce site Ce site change d'adresse comme vous avez pu le constater. Elle devient: - PedagoPsy, car je voudrais mettre l'accent sur son interdisciplinarité. . - .EU, car je pense que là encore nous devons faire face à la complexité du monde et à la mondialisation en nous appuyant sur ce corps intermédiaire qu'est l'Europe. . - Dans un moment où un glissement s'opère d'une vision collective et solidaire des situations vers un individualisme exacerbé, ce site se présente comme l'oeuvre d'une personne (créatrice, responsable et webmaster) mais aussi comme celui d'un groupe d'auteurs qui acceptent d'y publier des textes dans un même esprit (voir Recherche d'article par auteurs ).

C'est ainsi que se rejoignent des désirs, souvent opposés, de recherche de "transformation personnelle" et de "transformation sociale". On voit que l'esprit de ce site tourne toujours autour de l'essai de prise en compte de la complexité. Articles (une sélection) | Joëlle Proust. Top Five Emotional Difficulties of Adults with Learning Disabilities. Understand Your Learning Style Download my free eBook, Understanding Your Learning Style. Discover tips on how to improve your learning. Enter your email and get the book now! Click here to take your learning styles test Shame People growing up with a learning disability often feel a sense of shame.

For some, it is a great relief to receive the diagnosis while for others the label only serves to further stigmatize them. Sadly, these feelings of shame often cause the individual to hide their difficulties. Some adults feel ashamed of the type of difficulties they are struggling to cope with such as basic literacy skills, slow processing, attention difficulties, chronic forgetfulness, organizational difficulties, etc. The following myths about learning disabilities have perpetuated the general public's negative perception about learning disabilities: Myth #1 People with learning disabilities have below average intelligence and cannot learn.

Fact Myth #2 Myth #3 Myth #4 Myth #5 Myth #6 2. 3. 4. 5. We Feel, Therefore We Learn: The Relevance of Affective and Social Neuroscience to Education - Immordino-Yang - 2007 - Mind, Brain, and Education. Abstract ABSTRACT— Recent advances in neuroscience are highlighting connections between emotion, social functioning, and decision making that have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the role of affect in education. In particular, the neurobiological evidence suggests that the aspects of cognition that we recruit most heavily in schools, namely learning, attention, memory, decision making, and social functioning, are both profoundly affected by and subsumed within the processes of emotion; we call these aspects emotional thought. Moreover, the evidence from brain-damaged patients suggests the hypothesis that emotion-related processes are required for skills and knowledge to be transferred from the structured school environment to real-world decision making because they provide an emotional rudder to guide judgment and action.

Modern biology reveals humans to be fundamentally emotional and social creatures. And then an interesting problem emerged.