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Keeping control: Why Lithium ion batteries for automotive applications need sophisticated monitoring schemes. 22 February 2011 With the increasing price of oil and the growing pressure on countries to reduce their carbon emissions, the electric vehicle – or a hybrid such as the Toyota Prius – is becoming more attractive by the day. Seemingly a simple solution, the battery powered electric vehicle presents a range of challenges to vehicle designers and to the electronics engineer. Erik Soule, vice president of Linear Technology's signal conditioning products business, said: "There is a lot of power involved in an electric vehicle and bad things can happen if you don't manage it properly. " Linear has addressed the issues with the LTC6802, launched a couple of years ago. "But the electronics have proved to be tougher than people thought for a number of reasons," he noted.

Other requirements include reliability, fault tolerance and diagnostics. "Lithium ion batteries must be treated with respect. Prius' power pack and drive train. All measurements are performed differentially across each cell. Independent news on natural health, nutrition and more.

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