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Category:Crowd funding. Comparison of crowd funding services. Crowd funding (alternately: crowdfunding, crowd financing, equity crowdfunding) is a process in which individuals pool money and other resources to fund projects initiated by other people or organizations.

Comparison of crowd funding services

Crowdfunded projects may include creative works, products, nonprofit organizations, or donations for a specific purpose (e.g., to pay for a medical procedure). Crowdfunding usually takes place via an online portal that handles the financial transactions involved, and may also provide services such as media hosting, social networking, and facilitating contact with contributors. Funding models[edit] Crowd funding. Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people, typically via the internet.[1] One early-stage equity expert described it as “the practice of raising funds from two or more people over the internet towards a common Service, Project, Product, Investment, Cause, and Experience, or SPPICE.”[2] The crowdfunding model is fueled by three types of actors: the project initiator who proposes the idea and/or project to be funded; individuals or groups who support the idea; and a moderating organization (the "platform") that brings the parties together to launch the idea.[3] In 2013, the crowdfunding industry grew to be over $5.1 billion worldwide.[4] History[edit]

Crowd funding

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