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30 Beautiful Examples of Flat Design. Flat design was our chosen new design trend of 2013 and it looks like it’s staying that way through 2014 too. Designers are moving away from hard textures, real looking buttons and ripped paper. What seems to be trending now are things such as subtle gradients, shadows, blur, cards and much more neutral but striking colours.

Here are 30 beautiful examples of flat design and how it should be done when it comes to designing any website or app. Author: Oliur Rahman All posts by Oliur Rahman. Get Inspired: 56 Beautiful Examples Of Flat Web Design. Flat web design is a growing trend that shows no sign of stopping. With the Windows 8 Metro UI new look for the latest Windows operating system and Apple’s iOS 7 soon to launch, web site designers have not wanted to miss out on the move towards flat design that is stretching well beyond operating systems and apps. Now flat design is moving to the web site arena too. In the past, shadows, gradients, textures and other elements were used to imply depth in the image and often to make up for a lack of clarity due to low screen resolutions. Now that the issue of low resolutions has been largely done away with, these extra visual cues can now finally be removed in favor of a cleaner, brighter look.

As graphic designers play around with the very idea of flat web design, they are starting to develop some interesting new concepts for how to better organize and present information on a web page. Gimme Bar Visit Gimme Bar TriplAgent Visit TriplAgent Snapwire Visit Snapwire Pragmatic Lab Collector. Escaped - Escape into a world of extreme sports. Top secret communication.

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