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Windows Azure: Cloud Computing | Cloud Services | Cloud Application Development. Entreprise. Web design tool. Mobile app mockup. Ecommerce. Refonte de site internet : cahier des charges, référencement et tarif. Agence web ici et là. La refonte d’un site internet est une opération plus délicate que la création d’un nouveau site. Prenez en compte les données analytics de votre site actuel, suivez les bonnes pratiques de référencement et demandez un devis détaillé poste à poste. Cahier des charges pour la refonte de votre site internet Conseil 1 : prenez en compte les données analytics de votre site actuel en production. Quelles sont les pages les plus vues ?

En prenant en compte ces éléments vous pourrez mieux cerner ce qui devra être repris de votre site actuel, ce qu’il manque et le contenu à éliminer. Téléchargez un cahier des charges pour votre site internet Refonte de site internet et référencement Conseil 2 : redirigez proprement vos visiteurs de vos anciennes pages vers les nouvelles. La refonte d’un site est comme un déménagement pour les moteurs de recherche. Tarif pour la refonte d’un site internet Conseil 3 : demandez un devis décomposé poste par poste pour comparer objectivement des propositions différentes. SEO and Local. SEO: The Free Beginner’s Guide From SEOmoz. Welcome to your SEO learning journey! You'll get the most out of this guide if your desire to learn search engine optimization (SEO) is exceeded only by your willingness to execute and test concepts. This guide is designed to describe all major aspects of SEO, from finding the terms and phrases (keywords) that can generate qualified traffic to your website, to making your site friendly to search engines, to building links and marketing the unique value of your site.

The world of search engine optimization is complex and ever-changing, but you can easily understand the basics, and even a small amount of SEO knowledge can make a big difference. Free SEO education is also widely available on the web, including in guides like this! (Woohoo!) Combine this information with some practice and you are well on your way to becoming a savvy SEO. The basics of search engine optimization Ever heard of Maslow's hierarchy of needs? Here's what it looks like: Webmaster Guidelines - Webmaster Tools Help. Following the General Guidelines below will help Google find, index, and rank your site. We strongly encourage you to pay very close attention to the Quality Guidelines below, which outline some of the illicit practices that may lead to a site being removed entirely from the Google index or otherwise affected by an algorithmic or manual spam action.

If a site has been affected by a spam action, it may no longer show up in results on or on any of Google's partner sites. General Guidelines Ensure that all pages on the site can be reached by a link from another findable page. The referring link should include either text or, for images, an alt attribute, that is relevant to the target page. Crawlable links are <a> tags with an href attribute. Provide a sitemap file with links that point to the important pages on your site. Ways to help Google find your site: Create a useful, information-rich site, and write pages that clearly and accurately describe your content. Quality guidelines. IntuiLab - Innovative Interfaces For People. Online outsourcing | Service marketplace | Find a freelancer - Task Army.

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