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80 Signs You're An INTJ. Which Is The Smartest MBTI Type? We've all thought about it.

Which Is The Smartest MBTI Type?

Which MBTI is the smartest? Which one is the dumbest? Hopefully this article will provide some insight. We first need to define what we mean by smart. Smart can mean a lot of different things to different people. But for the purposes of this article we are going to measure smart as the influence one has over others and society. Also, of course there are going to be exceptions. The 4 Basic Dichotomies Let's start by breaking things into categories. Of these 4 dichotomies we should figure out which of these is more influential before breaking it down further.

I would weigh whether or not somebody is an S or an N as being the most important part of influence. Digging deeper into each dichotomy We first start with S/N. As stated earlier, this probably is about 85% of which MBTI is smarter. Are E's or I's more intelligent? Moreover, I's seem to have a better attention span and are able to focus more and for longer. Okay, now what about T's and F's?

Breaking it down. The INTJ "Mastermind" Personality Type - Personality Hacker : Personality Hacker. After Joel and I released a podcast on the INFJ personality, we received an overwhelming response from (the Myers-Briggs type) INTJ for more information on understanding their type.

The INTJ "Mastermind" Personality Type - Personality Hacker : Personality Hacker

(Perspectives/Effectiveness in the Genius System). That makes sense – these two types (the INFJ and the INTJ) are almost certainly the most misunderstood by both others and by themselves. I’d almost argue that INFJs are a little easier to understand. That might be because my mother is an INFJ and I grew up around her, but there’s something about the acute pain an INFJ experiences that is an entrance into understanding them. As if the pain, itself, was a foot in the door of entering in and seeing the whole picture.

To find an entrance into an INTJ is much, much more difficult. As an ENTP, INTJs are my “Power Pair,” and there’s no doubt that I’ve found myself surrounded by them my entire life. 2) They are built like anthropods, and have an exoskeleton. And it’s not purely a defensive strategy. -Antonia. INTJ (Strategist) Personality Type - Jungian. INTJ Personality. All About the INTJ Personality INTJ is my basic personality type on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), currently the most commonly used personality type system.

INTJ Personality

The MBTI categorizes individuals as 1 of 16 types based on four variables that measure how they process energy and information, make decisions and structure their lives. INTJ is one of the rarest of the 16 types – some say the rarest - estimated to make up only around 1% of the population. 7 secrets about dating an INTJ personality type. If you’re an INTJ personality type like me, you’ve always struggled to find a partner who understands you.

7 secrets about dating an INTJ personality type

Many INTJs eschew short-term flings and hit the brakes at the first sign of infatuation — because we’re already wondering if it will work long-term. The INTJ is a rare personality type, and not many people “get” us. As a result, we are careful about committing and wait a long time to let you in. 6 ways to succeed in your career as an INTJ personality type. Last week I wrote about what holds INTJs back from achieving our goals.

6 ways to succeed in your career as an INTJ personality type

But to an INTJ personality type, the biggest goal is often career success. INTJs value this kind of success because it offers measurable proof of our competence. Unfortunately, we also face roadblocks in the workplace that other personality types don’t. So how can you tap into your INTJ strengths to succeed? Trying Not To Look Up - How INTJs Make Friends. The Rare INTJ Female and the Struggles of Being Utterly Uncommon. The Rare INTJ Female and the Struggles of Being Utterly Uncommon Meeting an INTJ is a rare occurrence, meeting a female INTJ is almost impossible.

The Rare INTJ Female and the Struggles of Being Utterly Uncommon

Being rare SOUNDS like an unbelievably appealing thing. We are often drawn to things that are unique and unlike anything else. Even though it is a wonderful thing to be so special, it can be alienating and challenging. The INTJ female is independent, strong-willed and intellectually driven. They Don’t Fit Into the Female Stereotype The female INTJ basically abolishes the idea of the gender stereotypes. Being so different from the stereotypical image of women, is definitely a wonderful way to help better society’s ideals towards women. They Challenge Others INTJs women are constantly working on growing as individuals, they also work on pushing others around them. The way that the INTJ woman thinks, often challenges others in ways that can make them uncomfortable. They Are Independent Thinkers Friendships Can Be Tough You Are In Good Company.